Battery not fully charging


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2011
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I charge the phone, follow sharks directions to a T. battery says 100%. The second i pull out the usb, it goes directly from 100 to 97%. This has happended with two separate batteries now

Sounds like for some reason your phone is just not syncing up with the battery. If you followed the directions, your battery was definitely at 100% full charge. And then for some reason, the wiping of battery stats is not working for you. I always do the batt stat syncing on the weekend when I know I have time to do the full discharge then recharge cycles. And when I wipe stats in terminal emulator I always sit right with the phone after I turn it on and am doing the charge to full while on for the second time because it only takes a matter of a few minutes. Then as soon as it hits 100%, I open terminal emulator and wipe batt stats. But since you've done all that, I would have to go with what I said above that for some strange reason, the batt stat wipe is not syncing what the phone is showing and what your battery is reading. Fortunately we are talking about 3% difference. If it bothers you I guess you could take it to a verizon store to see if they will switch out the phone. Unlikely since that problem is not causing your phone to not be functional. Wish I had a better answer for you.

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