Battery Usage


Well-known member
May 15, 2013
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I'm just curious what everyone's battery life is like so far. I was thinking mine's pretty good. Not sure if this is 'good' or 'bad' and wanted to get some thoughts. I was streaming netflix today and hulu yesterday. I noticed today that the battery went from 100% to 83% when all I did was stream netflix today for about 70 minutes total. Is that really 'good'? Yesterday I streamed about 180 minutes of hulu total and the battery went from 82% to 24%.

Curious as to what everyone else's experiences are with battery and streaming and what you think about the above. Thanks!

B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
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That sounds pretty good to me. 70 minutes of Netflix with only 17% battery use is actually quite good. In general, I expect around 6-7 hours of total screen-on time with real world mixed use. Not sure why Hulu seemed to use up more battery than Netflix, but it could have been due to different sound volume, different brightness, or perhaps other processes that you might have had running in the background.


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2010
Right now, according to my battery stats, I'm at 1 day 8hrs of being unplugged with 7hrs and 19minutes of screen time...51% battery left. That's with doing a lot of web surfing, checking email, quite a few YouTube videos, and a few word games.

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