I just got my Xperia performance
I'm new from bb10 Q10
There are some features I miss an lots me to learn.
Looking for app suggestions
Browser switch to a reader mode. Easier to see with no adds. Better on the eyes. On my berry I just pressed r. Too easy used feature every time I read off browser.
Read out load.
I often see articles on line that on my berry I would use often to just dictate the article to me while doing dishes for example.
Spell check. On the berry all words I spell wrong where underlined in red, I could add to dictionary or change to proper spelling.
I am using Google keyboard. I turned off swift key whats your favorite.
Basic features like these seem to be a challenge. I would appreciate the help. I miss bb10 already but it ain't an option.
Thank you I appreciate the help
What makes the Sony phone better then the others. I mean what sort of features are specific to this phone.
I know posts like this on the crack berry side can be annoying but I have been learning so much coming to Android I appreciate the help!
I'm new from bb10 Q10
There are some features I miss an lots me to learn.
Looking for app suggestions
Browser switch to a reader mode. Easier to see with no adds. Better on the eyes. On my berry I just pressed r. Too easy used feature every time I read off browser.
Read out load.
I often see articles on line that on my berry I would use often to just dictate the article to me while doing dishes for example.
Spell check. On the berry all words I spell wrong where underlined in red, I could add to dictionary or change to proper spelling.
I am using Google keyboard. I turned off swift key whats your favorite.
Basic features like these seem to be a challenge. I would appreciate the help. I miss bb10 already but it ain't an option.
Thank you I appreciate the help
What makes the Sony phone better then the others. I mean what sort of features are specific to this phone.
I know posts like this on the crack berry side can be annoying but I have been learning so much coming to Android I appreciate the help!