Been having problems with MMS messages on my Note 7 Please help!!


New member
Sep 8, 2016
Ok I bought the Verizion version of the Coral Blue from an Ebay seller that was selling the phone it is unlocked, cause I can use this with my Family Mobile Account just fine. The phone works great, but the only thing is I tried to send a pic to my daughter and it does not send. It just says Cannot send at this time, will send when it comes available.

Family mobile uses the same network at T-mobile and it is set correctly, cause I called them and they walked me through setting it up on the network settings. I also called Samsung and they said to do a Software Refresh and that did not work either. I also cannot update when I go to setting and about phone and choose update. It say's no available updates at this time. I do have a repair ticket from Samsung, but I would like to not send my phone in for 2-3 weeks, and be without a phone for that long. Any Advice would be appreciated :)

I need to know if I am stuck with out the ability to send or receive pics on my phone?

Thanks all!!!
I tried using the verizion message app and the Samsung message app I also downloaded a third party message app and still the same thing. I just tried a Factory reset and entered all the data for the Family mobile and I still cannot send or recive MMS on this phone? lol.