Best way to buy Thunderbolt?


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Feb 7, 2011
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Ok, so I'm on a Family Plan that just switched to Verizon from AT&T on Feb 12, I got the Samsung Fascinate (ok, not great) hoping that I could just come back the 24th and return it for the Thunderbolt. Now, since it's looking like around mid-March will be the release, I'm trying to figure out which phone I should stay with until then, since I'll just have to sell it and buy the Tbolt for full retail.

Should I go back and get an iPhone 4 (I would have gotten it when we switched, but the Verizon store didn't get any), since it'll sell for around $400 in perfect condition? I'm really not a fan of iOS, but I can deal for a month.

A follow-up question: Do you think there will be much of a decline to the hefty $750 retail the Tbolt is looking at? Like, will Verizon stores or some other retail sell for $700?

I appreciate the help, I'm pretty new to smartphones. And for the love of God, please don't turn this into a "it'll get released before then", "No it won't!", "Unconfirmed nonsense..." thread. We have plenty of those


Jul 12, 2010
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i would go in to verizon and tell them u just signed up and do not like the fascinate and want to wait for the thunderbolt. maybe bring in an old phone to activate until thunderbolt comes out. definitely find a way to get the thunderbolt.


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Feb 7, 2011
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That's a good idea. I just don't have any Verizon phones to use. Does it have to be a Verizon phone to be activated? My boss has an old iPhone 3GS from AT&T, could that be activated?


Jul 12, 2010
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no that wont work. it has to be a verizon cdma phone. ask around. maybe a friend has an old one. or ask verizon what you should do... if you get a cool enough verizon employee they will tell you what they would do. but definitely get rid of that fascinate asap cuz they will try and lock you in to it.


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Feb 7, 2011
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I'll think of someone who has Verizon, but unfortunately not many of my friends do (iPhone geeks). Even if I did activate an older phone, I would have to pay full retail on the Tbolt when it came out since it wouldn't be a new line, right? Even if I had an older phone, then activated the Tbolt on another line and just terminated the old line, I'd still have to pay the ETF, ya? God, this phone nonsense is confusing.

Charmed Juan

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Dec 19, 2009
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Thunderbolt or Iphone 4?,,Hmmm

The Thunderbolt and Iphone 4 are two completely different phones.
The Thunderbolt is a 4G, the Iphone is 3G
The Thunderbolt has a 4.3" screen, the Iphone a 3.5" screen.

Just these two factors are enough to put these phones in completely different categories.

You should go look at a Droid X to see if you like the larger screen, If so, then the decision is. Droid X or Thunderbolt?


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Feb 7, 2011
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I in no way, shape, or form desire an iPhone. I know, people say it's awesome, but I personally like the Android system better. If I go in the next two days and trade this Fascinate for an iPhone 4, it is only because I can get the Tbolt for the ridiculous price of $750, and need to sell whatever phone I have to make some money back. The Fascinate will only get like $100-$200, where as I can sell the iPhone 4 on eBay and make almost all of the Tbolt purchase back.


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Jan 23, 2011
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Well if you return the phone, and reactivate a personal loaner phone (from a friend or something), you should get your 2-year renewal discount back until you buy another phone.

If not, then I'd personally get the iPhone and sell it on when you need the cash to the Bolt. It'll go for the $400 you stated EASY and probably a bit more.


Well-known member
Feb 5, 2011
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if you decide not to keep the fascinate you shouldn't be locked into that a new contract, you could go buy a cheap $20 prepaid verizon phone and just use it month to month until thunderbolt releases then start a contract to get your discount, keep in mind if you got the fascinate at a VZW store there is a restocking fee not sure on what it exactly is i've heard $35 and i've heard $70


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Jun 27, 2010
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Bring your Captivate in, and tell them you don't want it and say you want to wait for a thunderbolt. Until then, you can ask them to give you a loaner phone.


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Aug 21, 2010
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You'll be able to get more than $400 for an iPhone 4... that's probably your best bet, and I don't think the Thunderbolt will retail for $750 at Verizon.


Jan 24, 2011
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I did the exact same thing with verizon when i first joined, but with different phones. Here is what I did; went into the verizon store, returned by phone before the 30 days were up, and got another, randomly chosen, cheap phone. I used it for another 28 days, until the phone I truly desired was available. Then, returned that phone, and got the one I originally wanted. No risk of selling on ebay, no need to buy at full price.

I think this is a much better decision.

If you wanted to activate another veriozn phone, try posting on facebook or twitter, MANY people have spare verizon phones laying around. I posted and was offered 5 phones when my daughter's phone broke.

Good luck!


Well-known member
Feb 19, 2010
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Hey Target...I have a old Storm 1 Sitting around that your welcome to.

Seriously if you want it its yours no charge.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
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I did the exact same thing with verizon when i first joined, but with different phones. Here is what I did; went into the verizon store, returned by phone before the 30 days were up, and got another, randomly chosen, cheap phone. I used it for another 28 days, until the phone I truly desired was available. Then, returned that phone, and got the one I originally wanted. No risk of selling on ebay, no need to buy at full price.

I think this is a much better decision.

If you wanted to activate another veriozn phone, try posting on facebook or twitter, MANY people have spare verizon phones laying around. I posted and was offered 5 phones when my daughter's phone broke.

Good luck!

They changed their policies, only 14 days for a return and only one return. Thanks for the help everyone, I appreciate it. I finally called the store and though they don't have any iPhones, the one down the street from it does. So if I backup my number and contacts on the Backup Assistant and it's on their server, I can take this Fascinate back and walk 100 yards to get the iPhone and keep everything. I'd get a loaner or pre-paid phone, but I really want to keep my number (only cell phone # I've ever had)


Well-known member
Feb 5, 2011
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Just wondering on how you came to the conclusion that it wont sell for $750?

Best Buy is known for jacking up there full retail price and there was a VZW screen shot that showed a price of $615 while this proof it will be cheaper the fact alone best buy usually jacks up there full retail price means its most likely going to be cheaper at VZW for the full retail

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