Best wireless charger lgg6


New member
Jul 31, 2017
Hi guys and gals, I'm looking to buy the fastest wireless charger for my new LG g6 phone? Any suggestions???
Since all normal-charging chargers are the same, look on Amazon and choose by price. (I find that the flas ones are easier to position the phone on than the round ones, and that I prefer one that lights up one light when the phone is positioned properly. The one I bought a few years ago was $10 [without wall adapter - but you can use the phone's charger], and it still works fine.)
Since the G6 cannot fast charge, the only time I use my wireless charger is every night before bed. I like that is "slow charges" through the night. When I get up in the AM, it's always 100% and ready to go. Something about slow charging that I think is better for the battery, especially when during the day or in the car I only fast charge (when I need to).
I got this one when it was a lightning deal. It is a fast charger, not for the G6 of course but I figured I'd be prepared if I ever happened to get an applicable phone.

Just for fun I did some USB power measurements. The wireless charging stand draws 7w from either my G6's bundled charger (which operates @9v), or my old Samsung 5V/2A charger. Wired charging is drawing only a little over 4W using either charger. Maybe because my battery is mostly full right now and the phone is smarter when using wired charging. I'll be interested to check it again when the battery is lower.

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