Better Business Bureau anyone?

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Mar 15, 2011
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Anyone think we should let the BBB know about this? Should we wait? I'm going to ask for a compensation for this outage and I say we all should.


Feb 6, 2011
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Are you not all there in your head? Go to the Better Business Bureau for scheduled outages? Go and whine that we can't have internet while they fix the data speeds at the same time? No... just no... connect to some wifi and wait patiently like the rest of us, no one likes a whiner.


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2011
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Are you not all there in your head? Go to the Better Business Bureau for scheduled outages? Go and whine that we can't have internet while they fix the data speeds at the same time? No... just no... connect to some wifi and wait patiently like the rest of us, no one likes a whiner.

I am whining dude and I should be....I pay 60 for unlimited all ok! not your cheap 27.00!!!Plus it's not only me its thousands of people ok! I'm talking about more then me sending complaints. From what I have been reading this is not a new thing. Also VM has not informed me of anything, only that they are working on it and that it will be working in a few hours. That has been for 1 week now. And to give you some good advise guy, in this world you need to open your mouth to get things done or you just get ignored. Check out the BBB on Virgin and see how they answer to complaints. If you wanna sit on your butt and wait then thats your thing not mine. I will complain and if that doesnt work I leave and move on to better service. got it? Good!


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Mar 7, 2011
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So you live on 300 mins a month for 25.00......I did that in 3 days!!
I am cheap and don't care. Only time I use my 300, is when I am out of 3G range. Any other time, I use Sipdroid+Google Voice. Saves $35 a month, that I can use for something else. You pay your bill, you should get 30-days of service, text, data, phone. If this is going to be a ongoing problem, then maybe they should notify their customers via text. Common courtesy. Leaving us in the dark, or waiting on hold 30min to find out what is going on, just angers customers.


Mar 14, 2011
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Are you not all there in your head? Go to the Better Business Bureau for scheduled outages? Go and whine that we can't have internet while they fix the data speeds at the same time? No... just no... connect to some wifi and wait patiently like the rest of us, no one likes a whiner.

And you know this for a fact,i really cannot complain the phone and text work,but the issues of having to toggle the radios to get data back can be annoying.but i guess i am lucky, but the poster is right a lot of people are having serious isues without explanation,you sound like you know everything,do you work for sprint,or maybe your an LG engineer,or a one of those best buy salesmen,why don't explain how you know more then the rest of us,instead of just bashing this guy for ranting a little, who cares.


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Feb 22, 2011
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I am whining dude and I should be....I pay 60 for unlimited all ok! not your cheap 27.00!!!Plus it's not only me its thousands of people ok! I'm talking about more then me sending complaints. From what I have been reading this is not a new thing. Also VM has not informed me of anything, only that they are working on it and that it will be working in a few hours. That has been for 1 week now. And to give you some good advise guy, in this world you need to open your mouth to get things done or you just get ignored. Check out the BBB on Virgin and see how they answer to complaints. If you wanna sit on your butt and wait then thats your thing not mine. I will complain and if that doesnt work I leave and move on to better service. got it? Good!

Ok so you pay 60 bucks for unlimited everything.
Lets see how well that goes when you decide to move to verizon or att.

Unlimited minutes=69.99
Unlimited Data=30.00
Unlimited texting=20.00
Total= 119.99

SO your pissed because the plan you pay for at half what it costs for the same plan on verizon or att is having some issues.

Yes its frustrating to deal with, but my god this is the first quality smart phone they have offered for a decent price. There is a major toll being put on the network. They are trying to fix it. Contacting the BBB is a dick move right now. The best thing to do is keep track of when you lose your service and after a month file a complaint with the FCC not the BBB. You will have better luck with the FCC then the BBB. Seeing as how they have to get permission and comply with the FCC federal rules to operate. IF they are not fulfilling their end of the bargain then by all means complain and see what you can get. But give the company some time to grow.


Daydream Believer
Mar 8, 2011
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It is understandable that someone who has paid for something gets upset when they are not receiving what they bought. And we all share in your frustration.

Howerver, read your Terms of Service and other end-user agreements. There you will see provisions for outages that protect VM et all from these sorts of complaints. Network outages have been a part of networking since it's inception, and maintenance and upgrades will always be a nuisance we will have to deal with.
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Mar 15, 2011
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Ok so you pay 60 bucks for unlimited everything.
Lets see how well that goes when you decide to move to verizon or att.

Unlimited minutes=69.99
Unlimited Data=30.00
Unlimited texting=20.00
Total= 119.99

SO your pissed because the plan you pay for at half what it costs for the same plan on verizon or att is having some issues.

Yes its frustrating to deal with, but my god this is the first quality smart phone they have offered for a decent price. There is a major toll being put on the network. They are trying to fix it. Contacting the BBB is a dick move right now. The best thing to do is keep track of when you lose your service and after a month file a complaint with the FCC not the BBB. You will have better luck with the FCC then the BBB. Seeing as how they have to get permission and comply with the FCC federal rules to operate. IF they are not fulfilling their end of the bargain then by all means complain and see what you can get. But give the company some time to grow.

You say they are trying to fix it? Then you know more then me because all I here from Customer service is that they are having problems and that it will be up in 2 hours, it's been 1 week now and others have been waiting for a month or more. The FCC is the Federal Communications Commission do not deal with this type of a service business issue. Regardless I just dont like getting played with by there customer service. The professional way is to explain the issue in way that all the reps can say the same thing and answer the questions of the paying customer and not be pushed away as they are doing. You guys took my BBB thing way to serious. I am mad...sure I am. I am new to Virgin and spent alot of money in the phone, case, car charger, monthly fee plus, more then 240.00. I expect a professional company to answer my questions and they are not. I'm not looking at what I can get, I am looking at getting back what I paid for not getting what was sold to me. This company is over 5 years old and they have not impressed me. Maybe tomorrow it will all work perfect, who knows.....that's right who knows because I dont thanks to them. If this doesnt get fixed very soon I will have to pay what ever I need to to get the proper service and i dont mind it if I get it. I moved to Virgin for the Phone not so much the monthly service cost. I would pay 60 more if it worked. The phone was a deal thats for sure.

<SO your pissed because the plan you pay for at half what it costs for the same plan on verizon or att is having some issues.>

What the heck are you saying there?
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Well-known member
Mar 15, 2011
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It is understandable that someone who has paid for something gets upset when they are not receiving what they bought. And we all share in your frustration.

Howerver, read your Terms of Service and other end-user agreements. There you will see provisions for outages that protect VM et all from these sorts of complaints. Network outages have been a part of networking since it's inception, and maintenance and upgrades will always be a nuisance we will have to deal with.

I completely understand it but the way they are doing it with out communicating with us is wrong. I have had outages many times with Comcast and they advise the customer the right way and inform us. They actually call me back when the service is back up for example. Regardless your all right we have to just sit back and wait. It is what it is right! At least I still have a choice to return the phone still if things dont get better, allot of people dont.


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2011
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No ashton you are wrong. The FCC is who you would contact regarding this issue.

The BBB will refer you to the FCC first and foremost. Go research it, when you want out of a contract with att all you have to do is document each and every dropped call and file a claim with them. THey will contact att and att will contact you. They normally are prepared to let you out early just to keep people happy.

Now if cost wasnt a issue then why didnt you go for a phone that is much better than the optimus. I mean the Thunderbolt is getting speeds as fast or faster than a lot of peoples home internet. You can get that phone right now for 50 bucks more than the optimus. You will have a much better phone and helluva lot better service with little to no outage.

By no means am I saying lay down and take this. But for christs sake give them a chance to get the network built up to handle the amount of new subscribers. Like I suggested document every time you lose service and contact the FCC about it. The worst that can happen is VM laugh at you, but they could offer up some compensation for our days without service.


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Feb 24, 2011
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Why are people expecting 1st class service when economy class?
If you want 1st class service go with Verizon or AT&T.

I believe we are all getting what we are paying for. $25 bucks for economy, 3rd tier cell service.


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Feb 17, 2011
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Well ashton4life, frankly, I couldn't agree with you more.

I bought my LG Optimus V last Friday. I did much research regarding the plan asking "is this for real, what's the catch" with regards to the $25 a month plan. No one said a word to me that there was a catch--you were paying $25 a month because they apparently are subject to lots of outages--and yes, to me, service without Friday is what I'd call a "lot of outages." It's just ridiculous, I don't care if you're paying 5 cents a year for the service.

What are they going to do next, claim that the disasters in northeastern Japan are the reason for this? Or, am I going to hear someone tell me "think of what the Japanese are going through & lighten up" or whatever.

This is how I see it--I expect it to work, period. We're not northeastern Japan, we haven't had tsunamis and earthquakes here, so there's no legitimate reason for this. Period. While it's fine if they supposedly are trying to improve service, you don't do it by knocking things totally out of commission for a good 6 weeks--and if it does that take to do it, then you just don't do it. Or, if you are going to do it, you don't sell your product to anyone in the meantime. You announce what you are doing, and you don't sell new service to ANYONE in the meantime, because anyone who buys is expecting service that very day. We're not buying lottery tickets here.

I'm all business when it comes to these things. It reminds me of the 80s when the US automakers were known to put out shoddy products, while Toyota & Honda made small cars that actually worked like they were supposed to. All the time I kept hearing how it was "unpatriotic" to buy Japanese, but I was all business about it in my thinking--I'm buying what works, period. I have no interest in excuses, I have no interest in what the autoworker's plights are. I want a car that I can depend on to work, period.

It's no different here.

Improvements are appreciated. When the Internet was working yesterday, it was blistering fast, and I was like "if that's your goal, I'm all for it." I've also noticed that the phone service (you know, talking) seems better out where we live than before, when my wife had a cheap Virgin Mobile phone for calls. Regardless, though, I didn't buy the phone last Friday to be a test-model guinea pig financing these "improvements." I bought it figuring to be able to use it right them, immediately, and all of the time, period, no excuses.

That it cost $25 is irrelevant. I realize $25 is a lot cheaper than the nearly $80 I spent a month on AT&T, but if you can't pull it off at that price point, then don't. Sell it for $40, or $50 or whatever, and deliver the goods. If you can't deliver the goods, then get out of the business and make room for those who actually CAN do so.

I'm holding on to my LG Optimus V because I like the PHONE and because I can, I still have my AT&T Blackberry, but I also intend to call Radio Shack (where I bought it from) and see how long of a period I have to return it, and if it's not up & working by that time, it's going back.

Because--again--at whatever price I have to pay (assuming I can afford it of course, and I'm not rich, but I can afford $80), I want my stuff to work, period, no excuses.

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Well-known member
Mar 15, 2011
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No ashton you are wrong. The FCC is who you would contact regarding this issue.

The BBB will refer you to the FCC first and foremost. Go research it, when you want out of a contract with att all you have to do is document each and every dropped call and file a claim with them. THey will contact att and att will contact you. They normally are prepared to let you out early just to keep people happy.

Now if cost wasnt a issue then why didnt you go for a phone that is much better than the optimus. I mean the Thunderbolt is getting speeds as fast or faster than a lot of peoples home internet. You can get that phone right now for 50 bucks more than the optimus. You will have a much better phone and helluva lot better service with little to no outage.

By no means am I saying lay down and take this. But for christs sake give them a chance to get the network built up to handle the amount of new subscribers. Like I suggested document every time you lose service and contact the FCC about it. The worst that can happen is VM laugh at you, but they could offer up some compensation for our days without service.

I checked the BBB earlier and saw tons of claims there, they must be retail issues then or are the residuals of the people referred to the FCC as you say.

The Thunderbolt huh? I like it but my credit is bad so the deposit would be high, Verizen shows it at 249 shipped plus the plan. I will look at it if I return the Optimus but I'm sure after all the costs it will be like 400 for me. I'll look at it though. I was with ATT and Tmobile and have had a cell phone since data was implemented and never seen something like this. I just hung up with VM and they told me they were going to compensate people, I just hope its reliable. I use data allot for my job, I am an outside sales rep.

thx for your input


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2011
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This is no different then when att and apple released the iPhone3gs. Att did not anticipate the immediate influx of new customers. I remember reading a article that att was not selling the iphone3g in NYC because the network there wasnt able to handle the traffic.

Ive had spotty 3g all day in southern MO. But Ive had voice so if I needed to contact somebody I could call them. I agree we are paying for a service and if we cant use it we should be upset. But come on..Nobody could have predicted the optimus was going to explode VM's network like it has.

Ashton I dont have any inside info. What Im doing is using my brain for more than looking for a way to get free stuff from a company. Common sense says if people are reporting outages and VM is telling them there is a problem and they are working on it, that means there is a problem. If in a month we are still suffering from piss poor service I will be right there with you complaining. But give the people a chance to get things fixed please.
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