Big problems with Lockscreen Notifications on Samsung Galaxy S22 Plus


New member
Apr 25, 2022
So i´ve used an iPhone for the last 10 years and decided i wanted to give Android a try because it has some basic functionalities that iOS lacks (password protections for apps, sideloading etc.) and so i got the new Samsung Galaxy S22 Plus a week ago. Nice phone and have nothing to complain about as far as hardware and quality feeling but when it comes to the software, i almost immediately discovered a MAJOR headache and that is the notifications in Android and more specifically the lockscreen notifications. OMFG! what a complete mess this is. I never imagined it would be this bad and actually thought it would be somewhat better than iOS but it´s just one problem after the other i am trying to fix without any results.

First of all, why does Android think that it´s a good idea to NOT wake up the screen on notifications and let the user decide how long it´s going to stay awake and show the notifications?? Instead i have to rely on 3rd party software like Glimpse Notifications from the Playstore which lets me do this. SMH..

Secondly, tons of notifications are either missing completely or heavily delayed when compared to iOS. For example, my Gmail notifications show up instantly on the iPhone and it works every single time but on the Samsung, it either completely goes missing until i unlock the phone and then it will show up or it will be heavily delayed up to sometimes 20-30 min.

Lots of other apps are also missing notifications on the lockscreen and i´ve gone through all the typical things suggested like battery settings, system notifications settings etc. without any luck...

Have to say i am super disappointed with how this works and i am strongly considering returning the phone to get an iPhone 13 instead or wait for the new 14

The overall Android experience in general except for the notifications is actually really good, it runs smooth & fast and plenty of customization options avaliable but because the notifications is such a big part of the total experince (at least for me) i can´t feel satisfied with my purchase no matter how much i try.

I am curious if these problems are specific for Android 12 which is the OS running on my phone. After googling some i can see others have similar problems with notifications too so not really sure what to do now, keep it and wait for Google to fix the problems or get an Iphone?

B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
Welcome to Android Central! I don't have an S22, so I can't be sure what that phone's system menu is like, but my Pixel 6 Pro has an option for waking the screen for notifications (which I turn off, because I actually don't want it to wake for notifications). @mustang7757, is this an option on the S22 on Android 12? My A32 5G is stuck on Android 11 at the moment. Or is that feature part of AOD?

The notification delay may have to do with power saving or battery optimization settings -- are any of those turned on? If not, then it might also be just inherent to Samsung's firmware. Some manufacturers tweak the firmware to manage RAM aggressively, killing or deep sleeping apps in the background in a misguided attempt to save battery: Pixels shouldn't have this problem -- I just tested on my Pixel 6 Pro, and the notification came through immediately.


Super Moderator
Feb 6, 2017
Samsung has lots of menus and options to look into make sure in your pull down notification panel no power saving mode on this will delay notifications.
Device care in settings menu >apps put to sleep ,never put to sleep check those as well


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2012
Are you interested in having the phone wake up and go to your home screen every time you get a notification? I tried to find a setting on my S22U that would wake up my phone everytime I get a notification and was not able to find one. Depending on the # of notifications you receive, it seems like this would be excessive drain on your battery. It also could be a privacy/security risk. For example, if your phone is sitting on a table with other people present and you left the room, any time your phone woke up for a notification, anyone present could have access to everything on your phone.


New member
Apr 25, 2022
Yes, that´s the first i checked and i already went through all the system settings and double checked that notifications are set to On


New member
Apr 25, 2022
No, i don´t want it to go to the home screen. I simply want the screen to wake up as soon as there´s an notification and set a custom time for the lockscreen to stay awake (for example 10 sec) so i can easily have enough time to read the details of the notification, then the screen goes to sleep again.

I found this app on PlayStore called "Glimpse Notifications" that allows me to do this but my question is how can such a basic function not be part of the Android system as default? We shouldn´t have to search for and use 3rd party apps in order to have this functionality IMO.


Super Moderator
Feb 6, 2017
No, i don´t want it to go to the home screen. I simply want the screen to wake up as soon as there´s an notification and set a custom time for the lockscreen to stay awake (for example 10 sec) so i can easily have enough time to read the details of the notification, then the screen goes to sleep again.

I found this app on PlayStore called "Glimpse Notifications" that allows me to do this but my question is how can such a basic function not be part of the Android system as default? We shouldn´t have to search for and use 3rd party apps in order to have this functionality IMO.
AOD is Always on Display
Can u post all your settings in lock screen menu?

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