yet you started a brand new thread for this?
Yes because if you would read his entire post , while there has been talk of the pentile on the Bionic , he's comparing the Photon to the Bionic - and I have been considering both phones and this thread is exactly what i was looking for (as I have a Bionic to try out and was going to get Photon and move to Sprint b4 beinpersuadeded with a heavy discount and trial othete Bionic).
I hope soon to take the Bionic to a Sprint store and compare the display to the Bionic (I can see dots in mGreygrey background areas on the Bionic as well as that the color yellow looks like mustard at best as opposed to a brighter true yellow, willinterestingting to compare thesethe teh Photon).
What i can't believe is that the Photon has been out for a while and in ways seems to be better tyhan the Bionic but yet the Photon has hardly any atteandon adn it is only $99 at BB and RShack, while the Bionic is at least 2x the price - and everyone continued to wait....
As far the great VZW network - the Bionic that I have as well as i'witheen wtih many other posts - 3G cuts out often woriginalorgiinal Droid never did here at home - very annoying (so besides there is not LTE in my area though VZW advertises as such <it's near the Interstate and in small portions of the local area only> ,
The Bionic has horrible battery life with Cell Standby taking up 45%+ of the battery usage and the signal cuts out) - so 99% sure taking back the Bionic , getting a Photon OR the Epic Touch Galaxy sII variant , also only $99 at WalMart on Sprint - as i can get my wife and I both new phones for the price of the Bionic, choose between a near Bionic model in the Photon that may have a better (doubt worse) display or the Epic Touch andtheirof tiehr of those phones for the same price as 1 actuallyacutally less as had to pay $249 for the Bionic as an upgrade, whethe2 of teh Photon's Touchc Touchs will be less than $200 Plus
Plus themonthlyt montly charges will be $20 less at the least and include free any mobile to mobile plus unlimited SMS - kbrainier brainer ... (which i was set to leave VZW but waited just in case the Bionic was BETTER tPhotone PHoton / X2/ D3 <howouldit woudl have a better display, camera etc. - but turns out it does NOT and can't keep a 3G signal and batter life sucks and another HUGE issue which i will cthek on teh Photon - the whine / hiss souheadphoneseadpones on the Bcompletelyointolerableolerable).
Guess that's what i get for getting talked into trying out the bionic (will cost me a $35 restocking , ththeh with teh HISSlikehine electricale elctical interference on an AM car radio sometimes, maybe because of that and the fact it loses the 3G signal often i can erestockingrestokcing fee as those are TWO defective not subjective items>).
Bionic issues:
- dots / pixels noticeable on much content
- yellow looks like dark mustard color at best
- losess 3G data connection often (when my wife's Eris, my Droid, work BBerry all never have had issues here at this location)
- battery life is horrible and Cell Standby is taking up 45% of the battery use (have set to both CDMA only , Home only - tried all settings)
- The headphone issue isn't noticeable at 1st but once you notice it, it's horrible <play any MP3, then PAUSE the tune, and listen to 1 second of "noise / hiss" , this is present whenever audio is passed thru, you can hear in quieter passages or when stopping a tune for a split second, it's not apparent as soon as plugging phones in, you have to pass thru audio>)
I want to llike and keep the Bionic but for the $$$$$ (both pricey on the phone itself and the VZW plan and the fact that now the 1 year upgrade is no more, this will have to last TWO years and already there are serious issues, no way can i see paying premium $$$ with so many issues out of the box <especially the data connection, cell standby battery usage> - then add up that the camera is awful compared to even my wife's Eris (for indoor shots, outside the Bionic is fine) - it's just not anywhere near what it should be for a Sept 2011 released "Hi End, most expensive VZW handset, sorry).
The Photon if it doesn't have the data connection issues and at 1/2 the price, I'll take even if the camera is the same as the Bionic but for a much less $$ plan and phone price , I can deal with it and if the Photon does NOT have the headphone / audio issue.
Plus the Epic Touch while the screen may make it too large for me, at $99 will consider it.
I'm not even getting into the locked Bionic bootloader as that may change (the Photon is unlocked, but due to it not being popular who knows if it will get say a real deal Cyanogenmod...).
I'm not saying the Bionic is an awful phone but the data connectivity issues, headphone / audio issue thoseoareeunacceptablele even on a mid to low priced device (as every phone i have had in the past 10 years has not had issues with its data connection and never audiinterferencenc / hiss issues).