Bionic vs Charge?


Aug 2, 2011
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My wife has a Charge (wanted to get her on a smartphone plan before the tiered data), and it seems to be a good phone. Battery life is shakey but she's on it constantly. The display is amazing, but it lacks the hardware promised with the Bionic. The advantage, however, is that it's out now, as opposed to the Bionic which seems to be a carrot on a stick constantly being dangled in front of us, yet we never get to touch it.


Trusted Member
Dec 13, 2010
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Having had issues with previous Samsung devices I wouldn't consider the Charge. I am not a fan of Motorola either. It is a personal preference. I really like HTC Sense and am looking forward to having the Thunderbolt.
There are always going to be new devices coming out and push the buttons on people to want the latest and greatest. It is great people help out each other with their opinions and suggestions. But it is important for everyone to do their homework and research the devices they are interested in. AND PLAY with them, too. Now that you only have 14 days to make your decision and also if you change your mind, remember the 35.00 restocking fee. Also the prices are carefully make your choice. We can talk till we have lost our voice. The end result is what you really want.


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2011
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I went from a OG Droid to a Charge (temp phone) from work and while it's nice, it never "felt" like much of an upgrade, it just "feels" like a filler phone. It's nice and everything, but kind of laggy and I like the MotoBlur skin better than the Samsung one. I would be disappointed that i had to keep this phone for 2 years if i bought it on launch date, luckily i can mess with it and get the Bionic on pre-order from work when it comes up this Thursday (i hope!).


Well-known member
Mar 16, 2011
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Take a guess as to how this will equate to the Bionic, but one thing I will say after using the Droid 3 for a period of time, the call quality is better than any cell phone I've used before. Better than a number of landlines I normally use. When talking in a quiet room, it is almost distracting how little background static there is. In case anyone, you know, actually makes calls with their cell phone.

Never talked on a Charge so I don?t know how well it does in calls.



Well-known member
Aug 17, 2011
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Take a guess as to how this will equate to the Bionic, but one thing I will say after using the Droid 3 for a period of time, the call quality is better than any cell phone I've used before. Better than a number of landlines I normally use. When talking in a quiet room, it is almost distracting how little background static there is. In case anyone, you know, actually makes calls with their cell phone.

Never talked on a Charge so I don?t know how well it does in calls.


Agreed, and this is one of the main reasons I keep getting Motorola phones.

Still patiently waiting on the Bionic.

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