Bixby Chat


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Jun 1, 2013
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I'm not the most tech savvy Samsung user and it's likely been obvious on here at times. I want my phone to be able to make/take calls as well as take nice pics. Of which all I can do. But I've noticed when I get a phone call it says BIXBY something in the center which I've always ignored. What would happen if I push this? I've not taken the time at all to see what Bixby is all about with this phone or the S-21-U I had before.

J Dubbs

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Jun 4, 2016
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I'm not the most tech savvy Samsung user and it's likely been obvious on here at times. I want my phone to be able to make/take calls as well as take nice pics. Of which all I can do. But I've noticed when I get a phone call it says BIXBY something in the center which I've always ignored. What would happen if I push this? I've not taken the time at all to see what Bixby is all about with this phone or the S-21-U I had before.
You can hit that button if you have Bixby call screen activated, and it will answer the call for you, and transcribe what the caller is saying, then give you options of what you'd like Bixby to say in return... you have multiple options of what to say if you want to mess with someone like a spammer, and if it's a spam caller you can have Bixby politely tell them to bugger off and hang up on them. Then you have the option to block the number. You can also type in your own message if you're feeling froggy 🐸

It's very similar to Pixels call screening feature. It's a blast to mess with spammers 😆

That button doesn't have anything to do with the Bixby "answer phone" feature though, that's a separate feature you have to activate individually. I don't remember at the moment where it's located but type in "Bixby wakeup" in the settings search bar and it should come up.

The call screening feature is under the phone settings I believe, and the handsfree answer might be as well, but for some reason I thought it was somewhere else 🤔

Either way I'm using both and they're great 😃👍
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Aug 29, 2016
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You can hit that button if you have Bixby call screen activated, and it will answer the call for you, and transcribe what the caller is saying, then give you options of what you'd like Bixby to say in return... you have multiple options of what to say if you want to mess with someone like a spammer, and if it's a spam caller you can have Bixby politely tell them to bugger off and hang up on them. Then you have the option to block the number. You can also type in your own message if you're feeling froggy 🐸

It's very similar to Pixels call screening feature. It's a blast to mess with spammers 😆

That button doesn't have anything to do with the Bixby "answer phone" feature though, that's a separate feature you have to activate individually. I don't remember at the moment where it's located but type in "Bixby wakeup" in the settings search bar and it should come up.

The call screening feature is under the phone settings I believe, and the handsfree answer might be as well, but for some reason I thought it was somewhere else 🤔

Either way I'm using both and they're great 😃👍
I never activated that feature. It just started happening, and it's been quite helpful on a few occasions.
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