Bizarre S5 charging behavoir - would like to get ideas and suggestions

John Q Customer

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Jan 15, 2017
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Hello all,

Last summer, on vacation, my Samsung Galaxy S5 decided to have a meltdown. It started by intermittently flashing the warning about the charging cover, as if it had just been unplugged from power. Shortly afterwards, it began to complain that I couldn't use the power sharing feature without downloading an app from Samsung. Eventually, it wouldn't charge at all.

After all of this, I noticed that the stock battery (the one included with my S5) had begun to swell, so I popped it out and let it be. I tried to salvage files from the microSD card, but some had been corrupted, presumably from the power and battery issues.

Later, when I got back home, I ordered a new factory battery from Amazon, and used another S5 to charge it completely. After that I did a factory restore on my S5, after which the unit seemed fine. I used it for about a month after the factory restore with zero problems, so I decided it must have been a bad battery.

I had not loaded many apps on the phone during the testing period, because I was afraid it might melt down again, so I hadn't wanted to waste the time. Since it seemed to be working properly after a month, though, I decided to start customizing it again.

At about the same time, AT&T decided to upgrade Android to 6.0.1. The upgrade completed successfully, and the phone continued to work properly.

Then, a week or so later I put a microSD card back in. I bought a SanDisk Extreme Plus 64GB card from Best Buy and popped it in. Everything worked properly, and life was good.

The next day, the phone would not charge. If turned on, the phone completely ignored the power cable. If turned off, the phone would show a grey battery for a few seconds, then go blank.

I researched the issue, then tried removing the microSD card and wiping the cache partition. After that, charging worked again!

Although, I did notice that charging with the S5 turned off no longer has that particle effect of green blobs drifting towards the battery, just a single green dot over the home button - is this a change for Android 6.0.1, or does it mean something significant?

I waited a couple of days to make sure everything would continue to work properly, and it did, so I put the microSD card back in.

The next day, the phone would not charge, same symptoms as before. I popped the memory card out, but there was no change. I wiped the cache partition, and everything was happy and working again.

I am at a loss. If you're still reading this, thank you for your time. If you can think of any ideas about what's going on here, or have any suggestions about how to fix it, I'd love to hear them.

Thanks, everyone!


Retired Moderator
May 23, 2010
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Try formatting the SD card (wipe it) and see if that helps. Otherwise, I'm not sure why it's doing this. Alternative is to try another SD card and see if the problem continues.

John Q Customer

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Jan 15, 2017
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Try formatting the SD card (wipe it) and see if that helps. Otherwise, I'm not sure why it's doing this. Alternative is to try another SD card and see if the problem continues.

Thanks, srkmagnus. I'll try that and post an update after the S5 has had a chance to digest the newly-formatted card.

John Q Customer

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Jan 15, 2017
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Well, it's been a few days and I haven't seen any strange behavior, so maybe it was something related to the way the SD card was formatted from the factory.

Usually, I just pop the cards out of the retail packaging and use them in whatever devices I need them for, but I guess the S5 is special. I've read a bit about Android and oddities with native SD card support, so maybe this is related to it.

If I ever determine anything concrete, I'll post a follow-up, but for now it looks like re-formatting has solved the issue.

For the record, I put the microSD card in an adapter, then plugged it into my computer and used SDFormatter V4.0 to do a "Full (Overwrite)" format (and that took a while). Then, after installing the microSD in the S5, I let Android format it again, just in case there was anything specific to my build that needed to occur, and then started using it.

Since then, for about 4 days, it's been happy.

Thanks again, srkmagnus, for the suggestion.