Bluetooth issues


Dec 13, 2009
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Hello everyone.

Has anyone been experiencing issues with their bluetooth earpieces? I have had a concerning amount of issues and so far, Sprint does not have a fix for it. The current issues:

1. If the earpiece is connected and I make a call, it will come through the earpiece. However, if someone calls me, it will ring in my ear, but when I answer it goes back to the phone.

2. If I'm on a call and I turn bluetooth completely off, it will come turn on anyway and go back to the earpiece. It goes in and out all the time.

Does anyone have a fix or know of a fix, app, something for this?


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2009
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Honestly bluetooth is so hit and miss. You may have one headset that connects and operates perfectly to device A but not to device B. Then you may have another headset that works perfectly with device B but not A.

If you have already tried the usual stuff like deleting the pairing and then repairing and you are still have problems I could really only suggest four things. Replace the headset, replace the handset, try a different headset or wait for the update and cross your fingers.