Bolt to SGIII?


Mar 17, 2011
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Anyone moving from a HTC thunderbolt to a Samsung Galaxy SIII?

I haven't really played with a lot of Samsung phones. How do HTC and Samsung phones compare?


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Jul 17, 2010
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Well I was going to get the SGS3 until I found out on May 3rd that it is still using shoddy Pentile screen tech.

So that killed that phone for me.

However if you do not care about screen tech and you're happy with a (fake) 720p HD screen then go for it, as literally everything else about that phone is amazing.


Jul 5, 2011
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I'm sticking with the Thunderbolt, hoping we'll see a true successor later this year.

As to the S3, since I don't root and don't like third party launchers, I'd be stuck with Touch Wiz. Ugh, no thanks! Besides, Samsung hardware doesn't really do it for me.


ThunderboltTool Developer
Nov 24, 2011
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I'm sticking with the Thunderbolt, hoping we'll see a true successor later this year.

As to the S3, since I don't root and don't like third party launchers, I'd be stuck with Touch Wiz. Ugh, no thanks! Besides, Samsung hardware doesn't really do it for me.

I agree with the first sentence :p

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Dec 13, 2010
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I'm sticking with the Thunderbolt, hoping we'll see a true successor later this year.

As to the S3, since I don't root and don't like third party launchers, I'd be stuck with Touch Wiz. Ugh, no thanks! Besides, Samsung hardware doesn't really do it for me.

Me too

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Apr 21, 2011
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Over in an S3 thread, a poster explained that the radio in the S3 is more like an HTC than any of the previous Samsung's. It's because of the new chipset, etc... I understand that the GNEX doesn't have a good radio, but it apparently doesn't apply to the S3.

Also, every article about the display of the S3 mentions that the pentile display is way more advanced than anything else out there. Not as vibrant as RGB, but lasts longer.

I love my TB, but excuses that don't even apply aren't going to make me keep it. It's a little dated, not going to get ICS until Aug, and the battery life is less than desirable. Minor complaints, I know. But at least they're valid.

To each their own. IMO, the S3 seems to be a significant upgrade.
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ThunderboltTool Developer
Nov 24, 2011
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I love this phone. I will probably wait a few months after the upgrade date to get an upgrade. I will probably get the next nexus.

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Jul 17, 2010
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Also, every article about the display of the S3 mentions that the pentile display is way more advanced than anything else out there. Not as vibrant as RGB, but lasts longer.

Unfortunately this is not the case.

Under the microscope the screen in the Galaxy S3 is identical to the screen on the Galaxy Nexus. This was proven over at Engadget over a month ago.

And being a temporary owner of a Galaxy Nexus, I simply cannot see ever going back to Pentile technology screens ever again. I would say to anyone who is even remotely picky about their screens to look elsewhere for an upgrade. Pentile is just hideous.

For further reading:
The Galaxy Nexus PenTile display: a reasoned take on the debate | RTT

If that article doesn't sway you away from Pentile then you may as well ignore it and just get the S3. Some people are more tolerant (see ignorant) to the reality of the screen, and others simply do not care. Unfortunately for me I know what to look for in the way of artifacts and visual glitches that are caused by Pentile, and man once you see it there is no unseeing. It's burned into your eyes and you will always find those nasty artifacts. They'll irritate you every time you turn the screen on. It's why I could only keep my Nexus for 1 week before I ran to the Verizon store and got a refund. I ate the $30 restocking fee without batting an eye, it was just that bad.

Shame really because the SGS3 is a beautiful phone inside and out.

Edit - here's my source for my first statement about Engadget:

Literally nothing has changed in Pentile screen tech. All they do is with the Super AMOLED HD's is cram more fake pixels into one screen. Pentile is an abomination at best and needs to disappear.
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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2010
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Definitely considering it but I'm waiting a little while to upgrade so I can see what Motorola does with the razr hd and if HTC has any tricks up their sleeves... ICS will be here soon for the bolt and that'll hold me till the end of the year

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ThunderboltTool Developer
Nov 24, 2011
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Definitely considering it but I'm waiting a little while to upgrade so I can see what Motorola does with the razr hd and if HTC has any tricks up their sleeves... ICS will be here soon for the bolt and that'll hold me till the end of the year

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Moto??? Eww!

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Jun 27, 2010
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Thats interesting about the screen. I got the Gnex on release day, was marginally impressed. Sold it and got a droid charge; was actually more impressed with the charge screen than the gnex. Traded the charge because it was a huge let down as well. I thought I would like the samsung experience, touchwiz and all after the fascinate but it was disappointing to me. Perhaps it is the lack of development but it just seemed like such less quality than the tbolt. Eventually got the tbolt again and I couldn't be happier.

I have an upgrade on my line. The only possible phone I would be interested in would be the HTC One X variant that is rumored to be coming soon. I realize this would kill my unlimited data but I honestly use about 4 gigs, no wifi. With wifi I could keep it under 2.

For anyone else on the fence AC posted a good review of the SIII. Feel like their statement of how the S2 wow'ed everyone last year and the S3 didn't was pretty good.


Well-known member
Oct 18, 2011
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it's my first thought, but I don't upgrade for another year, which means any speed bumps for the SIII should be ironed out, and the price will be right in my wheelhouse!! ;)


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Feb 24, 2011
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Seeing as how VZW isn't gonna get the one X, that leaves the SGS3 as the phone to get to avoid going to tiered data. If im gonna buy a phone at full retail later, then so be it, but I'll get one last subsidized phone out of them first...

Its sad because I really love HTC over Samsung or Moto...Maybe if the Rezound wasn't still 199 dollars I would think about it, but not when you can get the 16gb SGS3 for the same price...


Moderator Team VP
Apr 23, 2011
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Seeing as how VZW isn't gonna get the one X, that leaves the SGS3 as the phone to get to avoid going to tiered data. If im gonna buy a phone at full retail later, then so be it, but I'll get one last subsidized phone out of them first...

Its sad because I really love HTC over Samsung or Moto...Maybe if the Rezound wasn't still 199 dollars I would think about it, but not when you can get the 16gb SGS3 for the same price...

The i bought the rezound for $ 50 on upgrade over 6 months ago. You might get lucky on a price break. After my thunderbolt, I now have 2 rezound and am thinking of getting a gs3 as well.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2010
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I think I will be getting the SGS3. I don't care about pentile vs. whatever as a screen. My only issue is whether it will have a good radio, good gps and whether or not Samsung and Verizon will be updating the phone in a timely manner. Samsung is notorious for their updates or non updates. Being this phone already has ICS and just issued another update today I am optimistic about this phone. My TB is just giving me problem after problem these last few months. Battery life sucks bad and I am constantly having to reboot. I would like to have a HTC one X verizon variant if it was a possibility but I don't see that happening.


Mar 17, 2011
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I think I'll be upgrading to the SG3 also, I don't really see a difference in the screens as long as it looks just like the bolt's screen. I just hope that the battery is a lot better than the bolt.


Energy hoarder
Jan 30, 2011
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The things that really bother me are the stupid hardware button and the pentile screen. Of course I haven't seen the S3 but just about every other pentile I've seen sucks.

But I wonder how cheap I could get this phone on Craigslist a few weeks after release?

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