Broken Display, Options?


Well-known member
May 12, 2010
So my GF cracked the glass on her Nexus7 and the touch response is now hit or miss. I've been reading different posts on here about how Asus will fix them but for around $160-180 which doesnt seem too worth it, also I've seen that you can buy the glass/LCD but these are around $150.

So the question is what should i do with this? The two options stated I am not considering as i would rather just buy a new one for 200, so I'm hoping to get some other feedback. Can i sell it for parts? is there a market for it? or is there someone like me with a broken N7 but with a working display? Or maybe some one with a 8gb would like my internals for a cheap price(mine is 16gb)? Just trying to do what i can, let me know what you guys think.



It seems impossible to sell a broken glass nexus 7, so I'm gonna give it away. Reply with your reason why you want it and where I need to sendit, you pay shipping and its yours. If more than one reply I'll pick the best option. Hopefully it can help someone.
It seems impossible to sell a broken glass nexus 7, so I'm gonna give it away. Reply with your reason why you want it and where I need to sendit, you pay shipping and its yours. If more than one reply I'll pick the best option. Hopefully it can help someone.

That sucks, man. It would've been nice if Asus had built these without adhering the LCD screen to the display glass, make them a bit more reparable. One of very few cons to this device.

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