So I have had the Note 5 on lease for about a year now with Sprint and it has been a great all around phone. I have had a couple of issues which I would like to get some Tech help on.
First and foremost the main problem I have is while streaming music through Pandora, Slacker, Milk Music..etc. What happens is that after almost every song (sometimes it goes 2 or 3) it will buffer and stop playing music completely. The only resolution is to physically go back into the app where there is usually a notice screen telling me that the music player has had trouble connecting to the network and then depending on the media player you can hit retry or rebuffer which will then reload the song or skip to the next and begins working again. I primarily use music in the gym so taking my phone out of my pocket after every song just to retry and rebuffer the song to get it to go to the next is a hassle. I have tried about 5 or 6 different media players, and I have also experienced this issue on LTE, 3G and WIFI connections all with the same exact result (I might add that I have never had the same problem with any website connections or even streaming video with the DirectTV app, everything seems to work flawlessly except for Music Apps. Any suggestions or help??
my 2nd issue is that links in a text message will automatically open with the text based browser rather than the internet itself. There is an option on my phone to turn that feature off, however it is Greyed out and you cannot click it at all to change the setting. Any hack or suggestion for that issue?
Thanks in advance and BTW i am currently running Android version 6.0.1
First and foremost the main problem I have is while streaming music through Pandora, Slacker, Milk Music..etc. What happens is that after almost every song (sometimes it goes 2 or 3) it will buffer and stop playing music completely. The only resolution is to physically go back into the app where there is usually a notice screen telling me that the music player has had trouble connecting to the network and then depending on the media player you can hit retry or rebuffer which will then reload the song or skip to the next and begins working again. I primarily use music in the gym so taking my phone out of my pocket after every song just to retry and rebuffer the song to get it to go to the next is a hassle. I have tried about 5 or 6 different media players, and I have also experienced this issue on LTE, 3G and WIFI connections all with the same exact result (I might add that I have never had the same problem with any website connections or even streaming video with the DirectTV app, everything seems to work flawlessly except for Music Apps. Any suggestions or help??
my 2nd issue is that links in a text message will automatically open with the text based browser rather than the internet itself. There is an option on my phone to turn that feature off, however it is Greyed out and you cannot click it at all to change the setting. Any hack or suggestion for that issue?
Thanks in advance and BTW i am currently running Android version 6.0.1