bugs since update / fixes since update


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2011
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OK - since I got pushed the 4.0.4 update for my Nexus, I've noticed a few things.

First, with the good:

-Better battery life
-in months past, when I'd take my phone off the charger at 8am, by noon, it would be almost dead. Now, I'm last almost 8 hours on a single charge

-Better signal quality
-prior to the update, I had nothing but horrible issues with the reception dropping. In the almost week since the update, I haven't dropped service once. /knocks on wood

Alright, now, with the 'bugs' that I've found (or maybe am doing something wrong)

-Volume adjustments
-prior to the update, I could hit the volume rocker up and tap the icon of the phone (when the volume was on) and it would put it in vibrate mode. now, it doesn't do that. I have to slide it all the way down to vibrate (more a nuisance than anything, really)

-when sliding to unlock the phone, I've noticed a slight 'lag' if you will. I'll slide it over to the unlock, and it kinda sits there for 1, maybe 2 seconds, then unlocks with no issues. I never noticed this prior to the update.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining at all, merely coming here to see if anyone else has noticed these improvements or issues since the update.


Well-known member
Jul 3, 2011
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Battery life is crazy good now. I was still at 25% after 29 hours.

Re: Vibrate... Hold the power button down, they've added a vibrate option to the power off screen.
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Jul 13, 2010
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when I try to lower the volume of the other person during a call, it slides down, but does not change volume. this was going on preupdate as well. not fixed.

music player still stops for no reason during playback of songs on phone. preupdate problem that was also not fixed.


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Dec 19, 2011
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The not so good:
I have noticed that I still get microphone cut out on my side from time to time.
Also when I call voice mail, and activate the key pad to type in my password, often the moment I hit a number, the keypad goes blank. then it comes back and if I try another number it goes blank again. Re-booting fixes that.

The good:
Screen rotation faster. Battery life in my case seems the same. Volume seems the same.
Signal is better, but very much influenced by buildings and location. Apparently more than my old kerosine driven flip phone.;)


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Sep 14, 2009
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I had some reboots every few weeks before 4.04. None since updating.

I have two strange issues which I'm not sure if they are related to 4.04 but j never say them before.

1. Twice the stock keyboard and dialer disappeared, leaving a black blank space and I will have to hit home and go back to see it again.

2. The stock messaging app has crashed 4-5 times. I have to hit "close" in order to get it to work. I have hit "report" and "wait" but it stays stuck.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Android Central Forums


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Aug 16, 2010
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The good:
Battery life- Android OS much lower on list of running apps.
Signal and 4G- seems I have "more bars in more places" could be an app though. Going to have to pull data and see.
No reboots since Sat when I forced the update.
Autorotate seems quicker and UI smoothness in general has improved.
When notifications do work there is no more crackling coming for the speaker.

The Bad:
Cannot hear my notifications for my emal (5 addresses). Phone still vibrates if set to.
Cannot hear my notifications for text messages. Phone still vibrates if set to. This doesn't happen all the time- sometimes I hear them and sometimes I dont. even when the phone is awake and in my hand with the screen on there is only vibrate- no ring. Also its very inconsistant. At first I thought it would only not ring when charging- not so. With the screen on or off or phone asleep or awake- not so. It rings and doesn't ring in each scenario. impossible to duplicate. and very annoying. When I get a phone call it rings like it is supposed to. Under all circumstances. Could it be that I'm using a 3rd party app to control rings? Maybe but I'm also using 3rd party app for texts so who knows. This wasn't an issue before the update.
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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2010
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I had some reboots every few weeks before 4.04. None since updating.

2. The stock messaging app has crashed 4-5 times. I have to hit "close" in order to get it to work. I have hit "report" and "wait" but it stays stuck.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Android Central Forums

Happens to me as well.


Active member
Jul 10, 2010
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My battery life is worse as well. I have four batteries, and most times I could make it the whole day, with moderate to light use on one battery, and 2 batteries for heavy use. I just used three today with only moderate use. So confused.


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Jul 12, 2010
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Is anybody getting the speaker cutting out??? I just got a replacement phone so it might just be mine but my speaker cuts out sometimes and music pauses during playback at times


Feb 2, 2010
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I've def seen signal improvements especially with 4g. Battery doesn't seem any different. Just not enough to make it through the day. However, I STILL get the "chirping" and screeching sounds when I'm on a call periodically. This was the main thing I wanted fixed. Sigh...:-\


Well-known member
Jan 27, 2010
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My battery life has went down, pretty noticeably too. And of course I get the lag when unlocking the phone. I flashed 4.0.4 before it came over OTA so I figured it was something I did wrong, but apparently not haha.


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2010
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OK - since I got pushed the 4.0.4 update for my Nexus, I've noticed a few things.

First, with the good:

-Better battery life
-in months past, when I'd take my phone off the charger at 8am, by noon, it would be almost dead. Now, I'm last almost 8 hours on a single charge

-Better signal quality
-prior to the update, I had nothing but horrible issues with the reception dropping. In the almost week since the update, I haven't dropped service once. /knocks on wood

Alright, now, with the 'bugs' that I've found (or maybe am doing something wrong)

-Volume adjustments
-prior to the update, I could hit the volume rocker up and tap the icon of the phone (when the volume was on) and it would put it in vibrate mode. now, it doesn't do that. I have to slide it all the way down to vibrate (more a nuisance than anything, really)

-when sliding to unlock the phone, I've noticed a slight 'lag' if you will. I'll slide it over to the unlock, and it kinda sits there for 1, maybe 2 seconds, then unlocks with no issues. I never noticed this prior to the update.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining at all, merely coming here to see if anyone else has noticed these improvements or issues since the update.

Battery life is the same for me, I never had bad battery life though, at least that wasn't self inflicted with a leaky app..

Signal db is maybe a little better for me but not much. though I might be able to claim that it has been more stable and solid.

I had no clue you could tap the phone when adjusting the volume to get it to toggle vibrate.. dang that would have been handy! now you can long press power and tap the volume mode so I wonder if it's more a feature change vs a bug?..

I've actual the opposite results with the locks screen.. I used to get 1-2 seconds of lag when unlocking or launching the camera but now I have zero lag!


Active member
Nov 30, 2011
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I use a PIN to unlock my GNex. It has a lot of lag when I punch in the numbers. This is definitely new with the update.

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