Calendar having problems in Incredible


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Feb 1, 2010
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So i was trying to add a birhtday. For example, someone try april 29th 2011 and have it repeat every year on april 29th. then go and look at april of 2012 and 2013. so far i have 1 other person confirm this is a problem.

Me and another guy were also having the problem where i was picking (for example) april 29th on the rolling date picker and once i picked the date 29th, it would say april 30 on the calendar even, so i would try again and fix it to the 29th and it would keep saying april 30th.

someone please start adding dates and events (yearly events too) to your calendar and please confirm this.


New member
Apr 30, 2010
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I'm having the same problem. In the view modes dates are fine on the calendar. However when i go to edit an event, the edit screen adds 1 day. And because pressing the back button automatically saves, my event is moved a day ahead even though I didn't change anything. Would really like to find a fix!


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May 3, 2010
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I got the same issue I try to set someones birthday to May 5th, and it shows correctly, but when I try to edit it shows May 6th, and since it saves automatically it changes the date. Google/HTC really needs to fix this issue and bunch of others I noticed with the calendar.


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Oct 31, 2009
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If you view their entry in your phone book, one of the "events" you can enter is their birthday. Add the "Contacts' Birthdays" to your "Other Calendars" in Google Calendars online and you should be set. Works for me anyway.


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May 11, 2010
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I noticed the same problem when trying to set a yearly event, but I was also selecting full day.

I took a look at Google and its interface to add events and was unable to notice a selection for full/entire day. This option may be causing an anomaly where in the HTC calendar is setting the event from 12AM to 12AM, but Google is interpreting it as starting in the previous or following day, which seems to move it before or most often after the intended day.

I worked around it by manually setting an all day event from say 2AM to 10PM, I spaced it couple hours away from midnight, on each end, in case day light savings may or may not eventually interfere. (Paranoid, I know)


Apr 25, 2010
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I noticed the same problem when trying to set a yearly event, but I was also selecting full day.

I took a look at Google and its interface to add events and was unable to notice a selection for full/entire day. This option may be causing an anomaly where in the HTC calendar is setting the event from 12AM to 12AM, but Google is interpreting it as starting in the previous or following day, which seems to move it before or most often after the intended day.

I worked around it by manually setting an all day event from say 2AM to 10PM, I spaced it couple hours away from midnight, on each end, in case day light savings may or may not eventually interfere. (Paranoid, I know)

Great observation. Now that you bring it up, all the dates that changed by a day were set as an all day event. I also turned off the reminder (a 15 minute default) because it would go off at 11:45 pm, just before midnight of the event day. Thanks!

Now that you did such a great job with this, how about the link between a contact's birthday and the calendar. I thought there was a setting that made that link but my wife's birthday is coming up, it is on her contact info, but is not showing up on the calendar and I have been unable to find a setting that would make it happen automatically.

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