Calendar Sync Problem


Well-known member
Mar 18, 2010
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Hello Fellow Androidcentral peeps.
So I am having a problem with my wife's Pro. When she adds new appointments on her phone to her google calendar it is not showing up on the actual google calendar on the web. If we make changes on the website they show up on the phone. She only has google account on her computer.
I do see her phone has a "phone" calendar but I have that turned off, It is set not to even display and not to sync. So when she goes to add a new appointment the only option is the google calendar..

Anyone have any ideas on what I else I can try?

Thanks. :)


Well-known member
Jul 12, 2010
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That is strange. I just created a test event on my phone, logged into google calender on the computer and the event was already there so at least the problem is not on google side. Have you tried clearing cache under settings/applications for the calender entry. You mention you already verified that you are actually creating events under the google calendar and not the built-in phone calender so not sure.


New member
Mar 2, 2012
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Problem solved. When I created an event it went into the phone's internal calendar. Just change it to your Google calendar and it works.