Anyone know how to get the Jorte calendar to sync with google calendar, Im sure im missing something as I came from Blackberry where it was very easy..
Ok, thanks that helps clarify. Go into your gmail app and re-add your email account. As you go through you'll notice the box for syncing your calendar is unchecked. Recheck it and finish the process. Give it a little time to sync, then check your native calendar app to verify the sync worked. Once your gCal shows in the native app, go ahead and give it a try in Jorte and let us know if it works.
Ok, thanks that helps clarify. Go into your gmail app and re-add your email account. As you go through you'll notice the box for syncing your calendar is unchecked. Recheck it and finish the process. Give it a little time to sync, then check your native calendar app to verify the sync worked. Once your gCal shows in the native app, go ahead and give it a try in Jorte and let us know if it works.
Ok, thanks that helps clarify. Go into your gmail app and re-add your email account. As you go through you'll notice the box for syncing your calendar is unchecked. Recheck it and finish the process. Give it a little time to sync, then check your native calendar app to verify the sync worked. Once your gCal shows in the native app, go ahead and give it a try in Jorte and let us know if it works.
How to I re-add it? It won't let me add the account since its already in there, and I can't remove the account without doing a total restore. What am I missing? Thanks!
Mine worked fine. These're what I did.
Gmail >accounts >add accounts(have had one account) >sign in(same account) > >next > >Done.
Hope this help.
That is odd. When I try to add a gmail account that already exists, it tells me that the account already exists and it won't let me do it.
Ok. Since it is my primary account its telling me I have to factory reset the device in order to remove it. Is that what I want to do?
Thank you.