call quality

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Jan 2, 2010
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I about to upgrade. I went into to the Verizon store and played with moto droid and the bb storm 2. I am leaning to the droid, but when reading reviews on the droid I see that the call quality is bad at times. I am looking for a smart phone that I will not return in 30 days. My question is does the droid have call quality problems and if so how can it be fixed?


Well-known member
Dec 17, 2009
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The call quality is better on the Storm 1 an Storm 2. I had both. But the call quality on the Droid is not a deal breaker. Not by any means. The droid is leaps and bounds better than the Storm in so many ways. There is an issue with static on the receiving end of the droid when you have 1 bar. Not such a biggie. Also, the transmitted call quality, heard by the person you call, is questionable. There is a setting you can change on the droid which improves call quality transmitted by the droid. It's an easy setting to change. Simply watch this video and follow the directions.
YouTube - Upgrade your Voice Quality on Droid!
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