calls not going thru on S10


New member
May 1, 2021
Hello, about a week ago, I started having issues with someone not being able to get a hold of me. He calls from a landline and says it rings once and then goes dead on his end. I receive nothing on my end - not a ring or missed call notification. He tried from a completely different landline ... and same thing. I've made sure airplane mode isn't on and he's not blocked or anything. I even did a factory reset to no avail.

Does anyone have any other ideas of what the issue might be?

Thank you in advance!
Welcome to Android Central! Is your voicemail set up correctly? Can other people leave you voicemail messages?

When the other person was trying to call you, did you have good cell signal?
Thank you for the welcome! Yes, voicemail is set up correctly. Other people don't seem to have a problem and no one else has complained about it and was never an issue before last Sunday. And yes - good cell signal. It's just bizarre.
Hi, welcome to AC!

[I moved this to the s10 forums for specific traffic]
Ask that friend if they can reach other people's cellphones from those landlines.
Welcome to Android Central! If calls are still not going through and this person has a tablet and Facebook, they can always call you via Facebook Messenger in the meantime.
Try turning off wifi calling, and or restart the phone, if haven't in a while.