Can this newbie get some help with a few questions?


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2015
Newbie really needs help

I am a life-long Windows and Windows phone user. Although I do have an iPad. Last week, I upgraded my Windows Phone at AT&T. They offered me a LG G Pad 7.0 tablet for $0.99. I got it. After learning to use it and installing almost all the basic apps I have on my other devices, it seems to be very practical. It's size is perfect for accompanying my phone everywhere I go. It runs quite well. I've seen and read relatively good reviews about it.

But I have a few rookie questions:
1- Where can I permanently save documents on the Tablet? I emailed myself a few ones I like to have. They go to my Downloads folders and show in my File Manager and ES File Explorer apps, too. But then, if I clear the Download folder (Settings/Smart Cleaning), it erases all the documents from the File Managers. :(
2- Is there some way that I can monitor processes? I'd like to be able to shut down anything I don't need.
3- How do I completely close an app?
4- Do I need an antivirus for this tablet?
5- I never turn off mi iPad. Is it necessary to shutdown the android tablet, or can I leave it on for quick access?
6- I downloaded a few games, and now I continuously get a notification that says: I'm your NEW game. Press HERE. What is this about???

Thanks for your time and help.
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B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
Re: Newbie really needs help

Welcome to Android Central!

1- Where can I permanently save documents on the Tablet?
You can save them anywhere you want. Using ES File Explorer or a similar file manager app, move the file from the Downloads folder to a folder of your choice. It would make most sense to create a folder called "Documents," and move it there.

2- Is there some way that I can monitor processes? I'd like to be able to shut down anything I don't need.
Android doesn't work the same way that Windows does. It prefers to keep RAM relatively occupied by open apps, to allow for more efficient app opening and switching. Force closing apps will just make the system either reopen the same app, or choose another one to open. If that occurs very frequently, it can contribute to battery drain. Just let the system do its job. The only reason to consider stopping an app is if it's misbehaving. See these articles for more info:
RAM: What it is, how it's used, and why you shouldn't care | Android Central

3- How do I completely close an app?
You can do this by going to Settings>Apps, selecting the app, and tapping Force Close. But please see the discussion above.

4- Do I need an antivirus for this tablet?
In general, no. Malware on Android still requires the user to accept its installation, so there's no such thing as a "drive-by" malware installation. Google actually can scan your device periodically for malware anyway, which makes 3rd party antivirus apps superfluous. Go to Settings>Security, and look for the Verify Apps option (it might be in the Google Settings app instead). You can also greatly reduce your risk of malware by avoiding shady sites (like porn, pirated movie or app download sites, gambling sites, etc.), not tapping on any links in popup ads you might see, and reading app reviews before installing.

5- I never turn off mi iPad. Is it necessary to shutdown the android tablet, or can I leave it on for quick access?
Unnecessary unless you plan on not using the tablet for an extended period of time. But sometimes a reboot (power off/power on) can make the performance snappier if it starts to lag.

6- I downloaded a few games, and now I continuously get a notification that says: I'm your NEW game. Press HERE. What is this about???
Is that a notification that appears in the notification bar at the top? It's probably an annoying notification from one of the games you installed, trying to get you to play it. Lots of games have in-app purchases (which is where game companies make their money), and they can't make any money if you don't play the game a lot (and make those in-app purchases). You might be able to turn off the notification within the game's options, but if you can't find an option, then go to Settings>Apps, select the game in question, and uncheck the "Show notifications" box.



Well-known member
Feb 28, 2015
Re: Newbie really needs help

Hi B. Diddy:

I was a bit worried to not have received any replies, but am so grateful for your knowledgeable and detailed response. I have been enlightened. / I really like this tablet and its OS. My only Android of all my devices. Didn't expect to own one, but, as I said in my OP, it was offered and now I look forward to having it accompany my [Windows] phone wherever I go. I hope that it is relatively good.

Once I read the links you sent, I'll get back to you about the RAM. For now, I pray that I am not imposing ...

1- I had found ES File Explorer, but just couldn't figure it out until your reply. Worked perfectly.
2- So, I had installed Advanced Task Manager. When I open it, it shows, I presume, all the apps that are running. At the top is says Memory. This is usually under 200MB. If I click Boost at the bottom, it seems to kill processes, and memory increases to close to 300MB. But almost immediately it is the same. So, from what you tell me, it's normal to have 70-85% of my RAM occupied??? The OS takes care of it. And do I even need this app???
3- Got it.
4- I am a Bitdefender client on my PCs. I had installed a trial version of Bitdefender Mobile Security on the tablet. ($14.95 p/yr) Do I need it? Or can I do without it and save RAM?
5- Got it. Great!
6- I unchecked "Show notifications" and they disappeared.

ONE NEW THING ... (For now?) - How can I disable the clicking when I type and even maybe the sound when I receive emails?

Thanks again. Many blessings to you.

I am really enjoying it!

B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
Re: Newbie really needs help

2- So, I had installed Advanced Task Manager. When I open it, it shows, I presume, all the apps that are running. At the top is says Memory. This is usually under 200MB. If I click Boost at the bottom, it seems to kill processes, and memory increases to close to 300MB. But almost immediately it is the same. So, from what you tell me, it's normal to have 70-85% of my RAM occupied??? The OS takes care of it. And do I even need this app???

In my experience, RAM is usually anywhere from 50% to 80% occupied. This can depend on how much RAM your device comes with. Devices with 2 GB of RAM (like my Nexus 5 and Nexus 7) are closer to 50%, while devices with 1 GB of RAM my be habitually in the 70% range. If you go to Settings>Apps>Running, you can see how much RAM is taken up. That's the best place to look. Interestingly, if you open a RAM booster app and look at how much RAM is in use, it is often closer to 90%, but then if you close it and go back to the Settings>Apps>Running menu, it's back to 60-70% (which was my experience when I used to use All-in-One Toolbox). So either the RAM booster app is taking up an additional 20% of RAM while it's working (and therefore giving you a false sense of your RAM usage), or one of those readings is false. If I had to bet, I'd bet on the system's reportage to be the correct one.

When you kill the processes, you get more free RAM briefly, but because of how Android works (explained in the previous post and links), the system will automatically open apps to fill that RAM again, which is why the free RAM falls back down.

In short, you don't need the Advanced Task Manager..

4- I am a Bitdefender client on my PCs. I had installed a trial version of Bitdefender Mobile Security on the tablet. ($14.95 p/yr) Do I need it? Or can I do without it and save RAM?

If you follow the suggestions in my previous post, then I don't think it's worth shelling out the money for the additional security app. See this article as well: Antivirus for Android — do you need it? | Android Central

How can I disable the clicking when I type and even maybe the sound when I receive emails?

Go to Settings>Language & Input, and tap the settings icon next to the keyboard you use. Look there for the keypress sound settings. You can also turn off haptic feedback there as well. To turn off your email notifications, you can open the email app, tap Menu>Settings, then select the email account in question, and look for the notification settings there. You can turn notifications off completely, or if you only want a notification icon to appear at the top without any sound, then change the notification tone to "Silent" or "None."


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2015
Re: Newbie really needs help

B. Diddy:

I am making adjustments according to your recommendations - which I consider correct.

You've been such a great help. Thank you.

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