car mode?


Aug 13, 2010
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Haven't received my car dock yet, but tried to use Automate it to force car mode. Try as I might, I can't find any car app in the list. Does this phone have a car dock app?


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2010
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Sorry, don't understand. I get the assist app, but I don't see anything that launches a car doc

I don't see it either. When I drive it detects it, but no car dock mode. I don't see an app anywhere either. I really hope they didn't leave that off. None of the car apps on the market look as clean or as professional as the Google Car Home, or the Motorola RAZR Vehicle Mode does. Vehicle Mode on the RAZR was beautiful. The ones on the app store, not so much. I also liked how the Vehicle Mode on the RAZR would stay in Vehicle Mode when I hit the home button. 3rd party apps would go to the standard launcher.

Read text messages, tell me who's calling, resume music play all work through Assist, but I, and I'm sure many others, want a car dock mode.

I don't see any apps that say car or vehicle. I'm thinking it isn't there. This would be like Microsoft removing an app that many people rely on from Windows. Say, remote desktop. Not everyone uses it, but those of us that do depend on it. It would be like that. Yes, there are other options, but that is a tool I rely on in Windows to do my job. I rely on the car dock app to make my phone useable when I drive. I'll get an app to use, but it is going to suck. Motorola really had the app well designed. I'm assuming it was their app. I remember from my Droid X days, the Google Car Home was replaced with their app. It made me mad, because the early versions were not as good, but they got it right eventually. I was very happy with the one on the RAZR.


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Jul 24, 2010
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I never found it. I get my car mount later this week. I'll post the results of that then if no-one answers.

Posted via Android Central App


Aug 13, 2010
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Just got it. First impressions went from "Hey, that's a smart looking dock" to "WTF is this?" In just a few minutes.
1. the arm from the suction cup to the cradle is a little stubby. Not horrible but definitely stubby.
2. to dock it, you have to align the USB ports in a fashion that can only be described as awkward
3. There is no car dock application. Instead it load a pretty screen telling you that you can use the touchless controls.

/bit of bummer


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Jul 24, 2010
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Just got it. First impressions went from "Hey, that's a smart looking dock" to "WTF is this?" In just a few minutes.
1. the arm from the suction cup to the cradle is a little stubby. Not horrible but definitely stubby.
2. to dock it, you have to align the USB ports in a fashion that can only be described as awkward
3. There is no car dock application. Instead it load a pretty screen telling you that you can use the touchless controls.

/bit of bummer

I was really afraid of #3 being the case. Seriously, just because I want the ability to use touchless controls doesn't mean I don't want the touchscreen app. This seriously sucks as the available car dock apps on the Play Store are not as clean as what was on the RAZR. I'm going to see if I can pull the apk of my RAZR car dock app.

I was curious if #2 would be the case based on what the images looked like. Oh well, this is the cheapest car dock I've ever bought. Only $29.99 after my discount.

#1 is irrelevant to me. I have a dash mounted ball waiting on the dock. I'll add the suction cup to my collection.

If this sucks too bad, I might wait to see if there are more positive reviews of the Owl wireless charging dock. I wasn't sure of the clip design or the potential for increased heat from the Qi charger. But, if the dock sucks and the absence of an app means it does not go into a usable car mode anyway, I might as well.

I'll report my own findings after I get my dock later this week.


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Apr 7, 2013
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So has anyone had any luck with this issue? I too came from Droid RAZR HD and LOVED my desk and car docks. The griffin dock is a cheap piece of garbage and I'm extremely disappointed in Motorola for not making OEM for one of their flagship phones on the nations largest carrier. Secondly I don't understand why they must add and take away great features with updates (which are forced upon us). All I want is a proper vehicle dock and the car mode I so loved with my RAZR Maxx


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Jul 4, 2011
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Interesting posts. I've been using the Griffin for about y months now and it works just fine for me. Granted, you have to line up the phone in a certain manner to get it in there, but it's not rocket science, gentlemen. LOL Just put it in there.

Ref to the car dock app, yeah...I was a bit surprised to see that there really wasn't one. But, I have my Assist set up to read my texts and I use CarHome Ultra as my car dock app. I actually like it better than the one my Razr Maxx had. You can set it up any way you like.

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