Charging cable for my Ultra


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2013
I have a Wireless charger at home for this phone that works well. But in my truck I bought a recommended charger that plugs into a USB. Sometimes it seems to charge just fine then others, like yesterday, it is very slow. Had an hour and a half drive home and it went from only 70 something percent to 80 something in that time. Someone's suggested using the cable that goes into the cig lighter but I really don't want a cable going across my screen. One would think the product coming from Verizon would be the best but maybe not.
in my experience, the USB port charges very slowly...I use the DC port and adaptor. I imagine it's more a function of the wattage provided by your truck.
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Are you streaming or using gps while charging? That would cause a slow charge.
Are you streaming or using gps while charging? That would cause a slow charge.
Sometimes but not always. Waze is likely to be on and the music is typically XM but at times Spotify so streaming could be the issue. Never thought of that. I just thought that 90 minutes would be more than enough time to bring the charge back up considering it was already at 70%. But the "streaming" part does make sense.
I have found that it can be hit and miss on charging from the car's USB as normally they are just 1A-2A ports with no fast charging capabilities. With my S22U/S23U, charging while using Android Auto on the in-dash screen does not seem to have much of an issue keeping things charged, but if you are using your phones screen, then you may be using as much or more power than the port can supply.

In cases like this, use an adapter that has an adequate rating for your phone.