Charging Problems and Gear VR loading and launching - COMMON CAUSE????


New member
Aug 20, 2016
After several weeks of research and at least 5 Factory Resets I have discovered a common theme in my problems and almost all posts about problems with "Gear VR Launching." In a great many posts, users also experience charging issues of one type or another. I always use my wireless charger so I did not detect this issue but mine reports lots of charger port issues. This has lead me to the following conclusion: "Gear VR autoloading and launching is the effect not the cause of the problem. The problem is a defective USB/CHARGING PORT."
Other uses have stated they are amazed because they did not get the Gear VR software until the attached their VR hardware!!! Just based on that and having the knowledge that Gear VR should not be on your phone if you do not attach VR hardware points to the hardware cause and the software is a side effect.
My Note 5 reports incompatible chargers and problems with Power Sharing without the power sharing software - with no cable ever plugged in. It beeps and give the black screen with the little white x at the bottom, like a device was just attached (I think this is the VR software trying to ID the new device). The common element in all of these things is the USB/Charger port. I think the USB port reports something to the system that causes Android to load the VR software. Now that seems to exacerbate the problem and cause an order of magnitude more errors, but the problem is still there - occasionally. My problem is a factory reset masks the problem for 12 to 48 hours when it "triggers" and goes bananas. Samsung Warranty support, as crappy as it is :'(, will just do a factory reset and say "it's fine, it was a software problem."
I have noticed, and need to verify, my problems occur when I am in a hot environment. Working in my home office with A/C appears to be stable. When I go to hotter places and work for a while, the problems popup and Gear VR tries to load. Again, high temp problems are quite indicative of hardware issues.

Please let me know if you can support or debunk my theory.

I am having these exact same problems and have experienced it when also in a hot environment.

If there is any solution, it would be very much appreciated from anyone.

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