Clock and widgets display wrong time?

My Nexus with Android 4.4 KitKat keeps changing time to a one hour difference. I have turned off the automatic time zone location detection and thought that worked but it keeps coming back. This is a brand new phone and I expect it is a software issue but this is unacceptable. Fortunately it moved ahead an hour the first time it happened and I got to work an hour early instead of being an hour late.
If you haven't resolved this I came across something that might be useful, especially on Beautiful Widgets. If you open Beautiful Widgets and go to Widget Configuration, there is an option under Widget Settings which says "Use Local Time" and toggling this between "On" and "Off" affects how the widget displays the time. In the "Off" position it seems to use the system time of the device which should help solve your problem.

Thank you so much! This has been driving me crazy lately. It never happened on my Droid, but on my new Galaxy S5, it's making me really wonder what's going on. A true solution!
Im having the same issue with beautiful widgets and its getting really frustrating. I live in Illinois yet when at work, the location on the widget is constantly changing to either a location in Mexico or Jamaica. How is that even possible? So annoyed by this.

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  • Go to Settings
  • Under System select Date & Time
  • Make sure that Automatic date & time is checked
  • Make sure that Automatic Time Zone is checked too
This is so weird - anyone else having a problem like this?

Every once in awhile, my phone will display the incorrect time. Just now, at 4:44, my phone was showing 3:28 and my accuweather widget was showing 3:52. A restart fixed the problem on both.

Is it just me? Is an app causing my phone to run slower?

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Android Central Forums

Mine s5 does it too. Idk if its the network (sprint) or the phone itself.
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What do you do if you're abroad and intentionally want to stay in Airplane Mode so as not to get any unexpected charges from VZW? Is there anyway to fix the dang widget without coming out of Airplane Mode?
  • Go to Settings
  • Under System select Date & Time
  • Make sure that Automatic date & time is checked
  • Make sure that Automatic Time Zone is checked too

That's what did it for my friend's phone. She didn't have Automatic Time Zone checked. Her system time was fine but the clock/weather widget was exactly 7 hours early. I don't understand how a phone's system time can be wrong. The signal comes right from the tower. If my S4's system time was ever wrong, I'd assume that Armageddon was nigh.
This just happened to me. My mobile (Galaxy Note 4) displayed time 90 minutes ahead. Finally I saw something about checking the setting for Date and Time, and when I did, it said I was on Caracas time (I live in Iowa)! When I reset to Central Standard, the time immediately corrected. End of story.:D
I just got this problem on my phone. If you're getting a stuck clock that never changes, the issue obviously isn't something to do with server syncing. It's a UI bug/glitch directly in Android. My upper-right clock was STUCK at 10:44am permanently until I realized that every time I switch orientation to portrait or landscape, it updates. So now it's permanently stuck at 11:33am until the next time I switch orientations. In contrast, the home lock screen (the screen before you unlock your phone) always displays the correct time. So this is definitely not a server syncing issue; it is far weirder than that.

Android seems to be full of these sorts of hilarious/pathetic bugs and I seem to encounter a new one every month. My phone is not rooted in any way
When I unlock my phone it shows the wrong date. Swipe to main screen and the correct (current) date is shown. It's like it remembers the last used date. Any ideas?

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