Google diving in to set top box. They originally had Nexus Q which was gorgeous device but the execution in functionality left much desired. Unfortunately the price did not help Nexus Q grow in popularity either. Then came chromecast which the completely opposite spectrum of the Nexus Q. However the similar function both device could before the Chromecast did it better and at a fraction of the cost.
Will project "Molly" give users a more robust amount streaming content that is not in Chromecast. Will it compete with Fire TV, Roku 3 and Apple TV? We will have to wait and see.
I am just hopping Google unveils a streaming subscription service like Netflix or Hulu of their own to go with their set top box. I would buy a Google version of a Fire TV but I just want more from Google.
If Google's "Molly" set top box could give access to the play store,chrome browse, and the functionality of Google Now is nice. I am just dive more into your android phones connecting with set top box and being able to stream content but also see and respond notification coming from you phone. This would really differentiate Google's set top box from the crowd.
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