is this being accessed,used, updated, what?

Star Bijja

New member
Oct 19, 2017
I see this come up on my activity around 5 and 6 in the morning everyday. I am not even awake at that time. But my husband gets up every day around this time. I know that he has my account signed in on his phone sometimes and his account on my phone because we sometimes check our emails on each others phones. Does this mean that he is texting someone at 5 in the morning? Can this show up on your activity because messaging was just accessed or updated? Or does this only show up on your activity because you either texted someone or they texted you?
Welcome to the forums. The updating might be happening automatically.
I see this come up on my activity around 5 and 6 in the morning everyday. I am not even awake at that time. But my husband gets up every day around this time. I know that he has my account signed in on his phone sometimes and his account on my phone because we sometimes check our emails on each others phones. Does this mean that he is texting someone at 5 in the morning? Can this show up on your activity because messaging was just accessed or updated? Or does this only show up on your activity because you either texted someone or they texted you?

Textes have been sent! My wife and I calibrated it just see how accurate the activities were
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