Good evening. I picked up a V60 a few days ago and just waiting for it to be delivered. I have read a bunch about it and have been going through the forums trying to see what people like and dislike. Just curious from anyone who did the same, was there anything that you weren't expecting or are unsatisfied with making the transition?
For example I like the fingerprint reader on the back, and I think I'm not going to like or get used to the under screen one, and the front camera notch I will probably be indifferent to. So just looking for similar feedback.
Maybe I'll be wrong but from all my research I think the positives will far outway any negatives, which is why I purchased it. Thanks in advance for any feedback you might have.
FYI it's a Verizon model but I'll be using it Europe on T-Mobile. I am a Verizon customer in the US which is why I had the Verizon model V30 for the last three years over here. I plan to keep it for as long as possible since I'll be home in a year, and hopefully I don't damage it like the V30.
For example I like the fingerprint reader on the back, and I think I'm not going to like or get used to the under screen one, and the front camera notch I will probably be indifferent to. So just looking for similar feedback.
Maybe I'll be wrong but from all my research I think the positives will far outway any negatives, which is why I purchased it. Thanks in advance for any feedback you might have.
FYI it's a Verizon model but I'll be using it Europe on T-Mobile. I am a Verizon customer in the US which is why I had the Verizon model V30 for the last three years over here. I plan to keep it for as long as possible since I'll be home in a year, and hopefully I don't damage it like the V30.