Considering either updating to the S-22 or another non Samsung phone.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2013
I used an IPhone for several years at work and while they seem to know what to do automatically I just thought them boring. We upgraded a few times and every time I thought it was still the same phone. Meaning boring.

I've used Androids for a long time and specifically Samsung for years. But this 6 month old S-21 is not what I had hoped for. Great camera for sure and good support on here but for someone not very tech savvy some of the advice goes right over my head. The most recent two subjects I posted deal with VM notifications on the screen so I know for sure I have a VM and the echo others are telling me they are hearing when I am on my speaker (half the time) talking to them. I downloaded a suggested app and cannot see that this is doing anything for me but admittedly it may just be me. Now I have had a couple tell me they are that echo when I am not on the speaker. So no clue.

My guess is if I go to Samsung S-22 it will basically be the same phone? I really do not want to go to the Apple but I am wondering if this would be the smarter move than another Samsung.
Both of those things sound more like network issues than an issue with the phone to me.

Maybe try a pixel? Much like the iPhone, it's a basic phone for basic people.
I used an IPhone for several years at work and while they seem to know what to do automatically I just thought them boring. We upgraded a few times and every time I thought it was still the same phone. Meaning boring.

I've used Androids for a long time and specifically Samsung for years. But this 6 month old S-21 is not what I had hoped for. Great camera for sure and good support on here but for someone not very tech savvy some of the advice goes right over my head. The most recent two subjects I posted deal with VM notifications on the screen so I know for sure I have a VM and the echo others are telling me they are hearing when I am on my speaker (half the time) talking to them. I downloaded a suggested app and cannot see that this is doing anything for me but admittedly it may just be me. Now I have had a couple tell me they are that echo when I am not on the speaker. So no clue.

My guess is if I go to Samsung S-22 it will basically be the same phone? I really do not want to go to the Apple but I am wondering if this would be the smarter move than another Samsung.
I'll keep this thread open as long as your not trying find suggestions on those 2 issues you made a help topic on that's what those threads are for .

As for undecided if s22U your getting a device your familiar with , the pixel is also great device and i think of the iPhone of Android
(By the way I'll try help in those thread you made)
Thanks. Several have made suggestions but apparently I am doing something wrong on the suggestions or maybe it is something else. I'd prefer to not go another route as I really love the camera on this S 21 Ultra but these issues are frustrating me.

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