Continuous talk time


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Nov 2, 2009
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Has anyone actually taken note of how much battery was killed after a continuous talk on the Droid? I just had my first long conversation with the Droid at a whopping 1 hour and 40 minutes. Over that amount of time, my battery went down by 50%. Just curious if anyone has taken note of how much battery was killed after continuous talk time with their Droids.


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Nov 18, 2009
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I had about a 40 min conversation last week and it dropped my battery about 10%. I've noticed that talking on my Droid doesn't hurt the battery all that bad. I see the most drain when playing with apps and having the screen on. On days when I'm only using the phone like normal (a few calls, some email and messaging, and some browsing/app market) I can get from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. and still have 40 to 50% battery left. On days when I'm constantly playing with the phone it's pretty much dead in the same time. Coming from a blackberry I am actually pleasantly surprised at how long the battery lasts after all of the horror stories I heard. If I can make it all day and use what I want then I'm happy.


Well-known member
Nov 9, 2009
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my findings are closer to yours jammin. phone calls crush the battery moreso than anything else except maybe constant GPS usage.

Anytime I've had a fairly long call or used the phone a lot in a given day, the battery usage stats would always show phone call as the dominating hog.