Dark mode versus light mode

Light Mode.

Just cannot get on with dark mode. Makes reading text a nightmare.
Light Mode.

Just cannot get on with dark mode. Makes reading text a nightmare.
Hahaha well, dude, I can understand that.I mean especially if you go into developer settings, and force override dark mode for every single app especially if that app wasn't designed properly with dark mode in mind it can make reading messages and scrolling through apps hard.... Unfortunately.
After a couple days, I disabled forced dark mode and enabled system dark mode instead.

I really enjoyed it, but I just came across too many apps which were difficult to navigate through because of the darker font.

System is a nice combination of both
I use light mode during the day and dark mode in the evening (set by sunrise and sunset).
Not just phones, but if anything has a dark mode, I’m using it. Just prefer it better.
Not just phones, but if anything has a dark mode, I’m using it. Just prefer it better.

I agree with you. My husband uses a darker theme on his PlayStation account and the UI is easier to navigate.

I have everything set to Dark Mode for the same reason!

It certainly is easier on the eyes. When I go to apps that don't run in Dark Mode, my eyes sometimes get affected! It's nice having everything in peaceful black.

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