Daydream VR Draining battery and making phone hot?


Trusted Member
Nov 15, 2012
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Yes, because VR places a huge load on graphics and CPU modules. If you keep VR active long enough (like 30+ minutes?) your phone may even shut itself down to avoid overheating damage.
May 3, 2015
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Yes, because VR places a huge load on graphics and CPU modules. If you keep VR active long enough (like 30+ minutes?) your phone may even shut itself down to avoid overheating damage.

I've used my pixel XL with daydream VR for over an hour and I've never had a slow down or shut down. As a matter of fact it doesn't even get hotter than my 6p used to get with normal operation.


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2011
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Yeah, using vr will drain the battery faster and warm up the phone. Some people report it getting much hotter, but mine gets only slightly hotter. I've used it for a couple of hours at a time without getting any warnings and it was warm to the touch but not uncomfortably hot.


Well-known member
Jul 3, 2012
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I've played around with daydream enough and every time i use it even if it's 10-15mins indeed it does get hot. If i play a game on it that is not VR the phone does not get hot almost as if i'm not even using it, but if i use the daydream head set to play a VR game it does get noticeably hot, however I have not had a shutdown yet then again I don't seem to use it for more then 20 mins at a time. Mostly to test out games and show friends. I do notice that battery drains much faster and based on reviews all of this is normal.


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2013
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It might be normal, but it's not good. A half hour on VR is most like a day of battery life. If I had a replaceable battery, I wouldn't mind so much much. I do worry about what shape my battery will be in a half year from now if it heats up that much and creates a day or more of charge cycle in just a half hour.