Deciding between the razr and nexus

Razr with 4.2 android will be a nexus razr

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

That doesn't seem to be the case for the next Nexus phone.

In my opinion there is far too much hype about Motorola devices and especially the RAZR's.

They are decent phones, but at this point they lag behind Samsung in my opinion. If you look at sales and profits, Motorola is lagging way behind. I think even Google realizes that things need to change to make Motorola Mobility profitable again.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
That doesn't seem to be the case for the next Nexus phone.

In my opinion there is far too much hype about Motorola devices and especially the RAZR's.

They are decent phones, but at this point they lag behind Samsung in my opinion. If you look at sales and profits, Motorola is lagging way behind. I think even Google realizes that things need to change to make Motorola Mobility profitable again.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

RAZR HD and RAZR Maxx HD may be lower in specs from Samsung but Motorola has superior signal quality, battery life, and at this point, overall build quality. My RAZR Maxx HD feels like the Ferrari of phones.

In a phone, I need it to last all day no matter what. Motorola has done this unlike any other company extended battery or not. No added thickness either to have a 3300 maH.

Sent from my DROID RAZR MAXX HD using Tapatalk 2
RAZR HD and RAZR Maxx HD may be lower in specs from Samsung but Motorola has superior signal quality, battery life, and at this point, overall build quality. My RAZR Maxx HD feels like the Ferrari of phones.
Once again, feel does not equate with superior quality. As for the signal quality, that is complete BS. Speaking from personal experience, Motorola phones have their fair share of problems with dropped calls especially when they need to switch between LTE and 3G.

The only reason for somewhat better battery life in the Maxx line of Motorola phones, is the larger battery they choose to put in them. Why the other phone manufacturers do not use the polymer lithium ion's I'm not sure, the technology has been around for sometime now. I use the 3800 mAh battery in my Nexus, and the amount of time I get out of it during the day is about the same as what my Maxx gets.

In a phone, I need it to last all day no matter what. Motorola has done this unlike any other company extended battery or not. No added thickness either to have a 3300 maH.
Again, not everyone has the same needs. If you use the phone enough, have signals that drop in out between LTE, 3G, and the older CDMA levels, the battery will drain. I know this from my personal experience.
RAZR HD and RAZR Maxx HD may be lower in specs from Samsung but Motorola has superior signal quality, battery life, and at this point, overall build quality. My RAZR Maxx HD feels like the Ferrari of phones.

In a phone, I need it to last all day no matter what. Motorola has done this unlike any other company extended battery or not. No added thickness either to have a 3300 maH.

Sent from my DROID RAZR MAXX HD using Tapatalk 2

Reception I agree with 100%. Even a phone like the Bionic.....ppl switched back to it vs the G Nex last year, and the Bionic had many reception issues. I have a Rezound, had a G Nex....and in my experience....the RAZR was just the better phone for reception....overall. I have a Maxx HD now.....and its more of the same reception goodness.

As for the signal quality, that is complete BS. Speaking from personal experience, Motorola phones have their fair share of problems with dropped calls especially when they need to switch between LTE and 3G.

The only reason for somewhat better battery life in the Maxx line of Motorola phones, is the larger battery they choose to put in them. Why the other phone manufacturers do not use the polymer lithium ion's I'm not sure, the technology has been around for sometime now. I use the 3800 mAh battery in my Nexus, and the amount of time I get out of it during the day is about the same as what my Maxx gets.

Again, not everyone has the same needs. If you use the phone enough, have signals that drop in out between LTE, 3G, and the older CDMA levels, the battery will drain. I know this from my personal experience.

Then you will also know when you have a phone that has a weaker antenna or not as good radio software, it will drain faster than a phone with a better antenna or radio software. And you will also know that ppl in good to great reception areas wont notice any issues vs a person in a weak reception area. Also.....I dont compare and have opinions about Motorola and Samsung based on last year. My experience with them dates back to least. I have used Samsung before 2005.

And the forums and trouble shooting sections of websites dont lie, Samsung has always had big and multiple threads about reception or GPS or something related to reception. They seems to have a handle on their GPS issues. Phone n data reception.....its harder to tell. I already see ppl switching from the GS3 to the RAZR or Maxx HD based on reception issues. Another thing I noticed with Samsung and Moto....with Samsung you may have to go thru a few phones for a good one for reception. Moto, not as many or the first one is fine. That has also been my experience with the Rezound, G Nex and RAZR. 1 RAZR, Maxx HD, fine. 2 Rezounds and G Nex's.....bad.

For some reason, some of us cant accept the fact that all phones arent created equal and all phone have pluses n minuses. Moto is known for reception, period. Battery life next. Samsung and HTC for multi media features. It is what it is....a lil example:

Moto: good for reception, battery life, bad for cameras
Samsung, HTC: good for cameras, bad for reception, battery life. I dont even use my Rezound anymore...and battery life n reception are the biggest complaints from the person using it. It is what it is....
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I don't recommend Motorola phones at all. I had a HORRIBLE experience with my Motorola Atrix 2. They just kept delaying and pushing back the ICS update, then they completely dropped support for it, even though it wasn't even a year old. My Nexus 4 is incredible so far, and stock android is the way to go my friend!
I don't recommend Motorola phones at all. I had a HORRIBLE experience with my Motorola Atrix 2. They just kept delaying and pushing back the ICS update, then they completely dropped support for it, even though it wasn't even a year old. My Nexus 4 is incredible so far, and stock android is the way to go my friend!

Um the ATRIX 2 has ice now

Sent from my Motorola Droid RAZR Max HD using the Android Central Forums app.
Um the ATRIX 2 has ice now

Sent from my Motorola Droid RAZR Max HD using the Android Central Forums app.

Yeah, I know. After I got the ICS update they dropped support for it. Sorry, I kinda said that wrong. But they totally could have given the Atrix 2 at least 4.1, but I guess they moved on to only support their new phones. I hope that Moto doesn't continue this habit, so hopefully they will continue supporting their current phones (Razr HD, Maxxx HD, Atrix HD, etc.) instead of dropping support of them once the newer phones come out.

But I have to say that I really miss having SmartActions on my Atrix 2. I actually used that quite a bit, and it was one benefit of not having stock Android. But other than that, non-stock Android usually just slows the phone down, adds unnecessary bloatware, and limits some customization options.
Yeah, I know. After I got the ICS update they dropped support for it. Sorry, I kinda said that wrong. But they totally could have given the Atrix 2 at least 4.1, but I guess they moved on to only support their new phones. I hope that Moto doesn't continue this habit, so hopefully they will continue supporting their current phones (Razr HD, Maxxx HD, Atrix HD, etc.) instead of dropping support of them once the newer phones come out.

But I have to say that I really miss having SmartActions on my Atrix 2. I actually used that quite a bit, and it was one benefit of not having stock Android. But other than that, non-stock Android usually just slows the phone down, adds unnecessary bloatware, and limits some customization options.

The fact that it is not listed as scheduled for Jellybean does not preclude the possibility that it may get it. I think they are just gun shy after saying the original Atrix was gonna get it and then changing their minds after further evaluation and the backlash that they got from that. I haven't seen anyplace official saying that it will definitely NOT be getting it. But either way being in limbo sucks.

For what it's worthy I think Motorola is going to be more gun shy about announcing updates, but I think overall we will see more devices get updated thanks at least in part to Google's influence. It seems to be working for Samsung they have gotten a LOT better since they got the Nexus contracts. Only time will tell though.
If it isn't on the phone when you purchase it, don't expect it to come later.

Between the carrier's demands, and the whims and desires of the OEM's the update process for these phones is ridiculous! There is simply no justifiable reason for months it takes to push these updates out.

If you stop expecting them, you won't be let down.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
While there is a lot of fire getting spun on this thread I figured I'd put in my 2 cents. I used to Hate Motorola phones, Hate with a capital H I had a Dinc and my friend had a DROID X all he did was complain and I loved my Dinc so 2ish years later when a DROID razr fell into my lap (literally in a sales contest) I tried it and I went into my first couple weeks with deep seeded hatred of Moto in my heart. But try as I might I couldn't hate it... Sure it's screen wasn't as high res as the rezound and Blur was crap on GB but dammit this thing was a trooper (must have dropped it 20 times). Seeing people with the slightly older models (bionic charge thunderbolt) all with a basket of problems and I was becoming more and more pleased with my phone. And to be the first of its generation (aside from the Nexus) to be put on ICS was a nice surprise. Fast forward a year and I still have my razr and still love it I am rooted/romed and getting 18ish hour battery life of normal usage vs my boss at 12ish with his nexus. Don't get me wrong the galaxy nexus is a sexy phone but it's not perfect. Looking at this holidays models and I can't lie I am drawn to the razr hds. Imo they have to be the best built phone on vzw if it wasn't for that sexy DNA it would have been my phone of choice hands down. Nothing against the SIII I just can't like the glossy plastic feel, my gf has the SIII and it is a badass phone but it has nothing on a razr hd other than a removable battery and a superior camera (which admittedly can be the deal maker for some)

Tl, Dr - Moto hater learned to love... respect was given... Still has a soft spot for nexus devices and HTC... Won't buy a Samsung until they change from glossy plastic

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

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