Delay in Exchange Push


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Nov 8, 2010
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I have a Droid 3 that I am currently testing Moxier on. Our CEO has a Droid 3 that we went to because his Corporate Sync would fail and completely stop syncing at random when he is traveling. Sometimes he can go to a city and never have a problem then others it fails with no warning or indication that it is not functioning. He would have to remove his account and re add it to get it started again. This is the reason I'm testing Moxier hoping that I can get past these issues as we really like the Android phones.

In my testing I have noticed that it is generally more reliable than the default corporate sync client that comes on Droid 3's. However after about 5 days I have noticed that there are intermittent or random delays; anywhere from 1 minute to 20+ minute delays in the email push to my phone. I had hoped that this would not occur with Moxier Mail. Anyone have any suggestions? Anyone else experience this?