Deleted Comment


May 13, 2013
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A couple of days ago, Joe Maring wrote an article titled "Spectrum gets kicked out of New York in US" or something to that effect. I jokingly posted a comment, asking if that means "Spectrum isn't being kicked out of New York outside the US?" then promptly forgot about it.

The next day it popped back into my head, so I went back to see if I at least got a chuckle out of anyone.

As I scrolled through the articles I almost missed it, because not only was the article retitled "New York kicks Spectrum out of the State" or something to that effect, my comment was deleted.

I realize that the contributors here are just a bunch of tech nerds pretending to be "journalists".

A real journalist would have acknowledged his mistake and acknowledged the person who called him on it.


B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
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FYI, Joe wouldn't have been the one to delete the comment. It would have been a Moderator. I'm not sure what the reason for the deletion was -- perhaps he or she thought the comment did nothing to contribute to a constructive discussion. If you'd like to get in touch with the Senior Moderator about this, I can give you the contact info.