Delivery Phases?


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Jul 2, 2010
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I placed my order late on 7/1. I have seen in different posts that those whose orders are in the first phase may be getting their N7's by 7/12. I have seen the cut off date quoted as either 6/29 or 6/30. The Play store is still quoting a 2 to 3 week delivery time for new orders. Just curious where the phase dates came from and if I am in the second phase, has anyone heard when we could expect delivery then?


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Feb 13, 2011
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I placed my order late on 7/1. I have seen in different posts that those whose orders are in the first phase may be getting their N7's by 7/12. I have seen the cut off date quoted as either 6/29 or 6/30. The Play store is still quoting a 2 to 3 week delivery time for new orders. Just curious where the phase dates came from and if I am in the second phase, has anyone heard when we could expect delivery then?

Ignore the dates because they all are based on "retail" stores and not "Google". If the dates are true or not is irrelevant because Google is separate from the retailers. I think a few people are relaying the preorder info from retailers as a guideline for google store preorders or something to that extent.. Yes, you are correct google has quoted 2 to 3 weeks and that has not changed.

"Delivery Phases" are coming from gamestop and staples. So if you ordered from play store their is no eta but 2 to 3 weeks and no mention of "cut off dates" or "waves" or "specific dates" from Google.
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Jun 25, 2011
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Multiple Google Play reps have confirmed "Mid July" with me, yet they give no specific date. I was told that they weren't being shipped first come first served and that there was no danger of anyone suffering from a backorder. The first come first served method of prioritizing is a hellish nightmare from a shipping logistics point of view. With such a large scale shipping operation, they will most probably ship in batches based on location. This would make the shipping company much happier since they will probably have entire planes filed with just tablets. My pre-order was placed on the 4th and I can't wait much longer. I'm tempted to buy one of the I/O tablets from eBay for twice the price. Must.....hold.....on.....!

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2


Jul 6, 2012
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Multiple Google Play reps have confirmed "Mid July" with me, yet they give no specific date. I was told that they weren't being shipped first come first served and that there was no danger of anyone suffering from a backorder. The first come first served method of prioritizing is a hellish nightmare from a shipping logistics point of view. With such a large scale shipping operation, they will most probably ship in batches based on location. This would make the shipping company much happier since they will probably have entire planes filed with just tablets. My pre-order was placed on the 4th and I can't wait much longer. I'm tempted to buy one of the I/O tablets from eBay for twice the price. Must.....hold.....on.....!

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

I recall someone in another thread saying that people who ordered after June 29th/30th or something like that wouldn't be getting their tablets until August 7th. What you said makes more sense to me. I can't see them taking that long.