Disable Camera shutter sound?


Well-known member
Mar 31, 2010
I have my phone on silent and I want to take a pic of my boss at work but the camera shutter sound always comes on. How do you disbale it?
First, lol.

Second, I don't think you can. I have read that you can download apps to do it. . . But not certain.

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
At this point, you cannot disable it (or even make it quieter) without root. It's an anti-voyeur measure that is the law in Korea and Japan.

I actually don't mid having a shutter sound, but it pretty LOUD.

Of course, like all laws like this, the ones who want a quiet camera will find a way to do it, lulling the general public into a false sense of security. Meanwhile, the people who legitimately want to disable it are SOL.
At this point, you cannot disable it (or even make it quieter) without root. It's an anti-voyeur measure that is the law in Korea and Japan.

Interesting if true, but it doesn't make sense to carry that 'feature' (or setting) on to the US (and elsewhere) where voyeurism is not really a common problem. It is definitely one of those mildly annoying things about the E4GT.
A lot of phones that have come out in the past year or so have this feature built in. It certainly has to do with anti-voyeurism and I don't think its a bad thing. That being said, its fairly easy to find a way within root or a 3rd party app, to have it disabled. I imagine you could always just capture a video and make a screen cap. Not as high res, but could get the job done
First, lol.

Second, I don't think you can. I have read that you can download apps to do it. . . But not certain.

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk

Yea my brother laughed too when I asked her if he knew. My boss has on the funniest shirt and I wanna show my girlfriend but I cant! The damn shutter is loud as hell!!
My Photon had the same feature and there was an app I side loaded that cured it right away. I wasn't rooted (at the time) and it worked flawlessly. I want to say it had Enforced or Enforcer in the title, but I can't be sure. I'll find the APK at home and try to post what it was called.
That approach (poorly documented in that post, btw) only works for rooted phones as the /data/ directory is read-only otherwise. You won't be able to create a file or even get a directory listing of the /data/ directory without root access. Hence the reason file managers (like the free Explorer app) and even ADB can't go into that directory. You need to root your phone, and then use either ADB or "Root Explorer" (the paid version of "Explorer") to do this.
There's an app called "Super Spy Camera+ lite" in the market that would have been ideal for this situation at work. It doesn't require root & it silences all sounds, however the quality sucks worse than an E3D shot. It also seems to enjoy continuously running even when you disable the widget....

Oskar if find the apk, and you post will appreciate it seeing that you can't use this one efficiently with the full E touch camera quality Thanks....

SuperSpyCamera+ Lite v 4.5 ( http://market.android.com/search?q=pname:com.banana.spycameralite
So I posted this in some other threads and somehow missed this one which has, by far, more activity. I hope I don't get in trouble for spamming, but I really want this problem taken care of. I know in the grand scheme of things there are bigger things to worry about but this is just the right combination of annoying and technically easy to fix that I don't see the harm. If you agree, please follow these steps so the people with the power to fix it know we want it fixed!

Alright guys, I've been calling and emailing around trying to find a legit (no rooting) solution to this. Nobody I've found yet has given me a good answer (although sprint tech support was helpful and really tried). Oh and by the way, the AT&T variant allows you to turn off the noise. This might even just have been an oversight on the Sprint version!

So here's what we're gonna do. Make this a vocal problem.

Sprint email support:
Email Us
Sprint support phone:

Samsung email support:
Get Downloads, Firmware, Manuals and Software for Samsung SPH-D710ZKASPR (link on page)
Samsung phone support:
Samsung twitter support (here's the option to make our complaint really visible)
and more specifically
Tweet at both of them! Get the message out there!

Always be polite, but explain your frustration. Explain that you take pictures in places where noise is distracting and rude like museums, or in an office. Neither Sprint nor Samsung from what I've found has had any reason for this, they just say "it's not a supported feature".

Take the time. Make the calls. Send the emails. We can get this done.
They may take our lives.. but they will never take our FREEDOM!!! ...
got a little carried away there.

* download the APK to your phone

* browse to the file with the "Files" application

* enable "Unknown Sources" in Application Settings (which you are prompted to do if you try to open it from Files app

* open the app and check the checkbox

Then you can test the stock Camera app and you shouldn't have that annoying sound.

Samsmalls, This is the exact APK I was referring to. Did the trick for my Photon and allowed me to continue using the stock camera app. Motostunna, thanks for posting.
Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work with this phone :/
Samsmalls, This is the exact APK I was referring to. Did the trick for my Photon and allowed me to continue using the stock camera app. Motostunna, thanks for posting.
+1 skeeve enforced is a no go just try spy camera lite it works, enforcer seems to only force system volume to zero, which needless to say is un effective!

No problem Oskar...
The problem with that is it loses all the nice things the stock (or 3rd party) camera apps offer. If Samsung refuses to update, maybe we can figure out what spy cam is doing and build that into a standalone or get other devs to work it into their 3rd party apps. Pretty sucky proposition though. We just need a bunch of people to bug samsung and sprint about it. @galaxyssupport actually responds and has a reasonable amount of people watching it so they're more likely to listen to things there. But call sprint tech support and have a conversation with the nice people too.
If this wasnt such a problem you wouldve all seen what the real life Francis Griffin looked like. I wouldve stealthaly taken a picture of him yesterday at my audit but sadly could not!

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