Hey everyone. Just wanted to share my experience so hopefully I can help with the battery issue. Some of these options are just my personal preference. This applies to the Verizon variant.
When I first got the watch I went from 87% to 5% in like 5 hours. Why? because everything was turned on and, hello, I was on it every 2 mins because it was a new toy. I have used several different settings to fine tune this baby. First I tired the auto switch for data. When connected to BT data would turn off. When disconnected from BT data would turn on and put into remote connect. This seemed to drain my battery quickly. I think because it kept having to switch. Because I have a pretty big phone (note 4) I often just leave my phone and walk away. So everytime I get up my watch is trying to switch the connection which I believe kills the battery. With this I didn't like the fact that I had to manually turn on call forwarding (verizon does not have the auto call forwarding option) so again, everytime I got up I would have to turn it on or possibly miss a phone call (which is why I got the watch). So then I left call forwarding on all the time along with BT. Because I left call forwarding on all the time this also left data on all the time. No more auto data switch. This also killed my battery real quick like. Here is my final set up and I'll explain a few this so you understand my reasoning.
Right now I have the follow setup:
1. I have BT off leaving it in remote connect all the time. The only time I will connect to phone via BT is if I need to make setting changes that requires them to be connect with BT. This also eliminates standby mode possibly missing a call or text. Also this eliminates the constant mode switching which I believe kills the battery. Finally, this have improved my phone battery life. Having it connect to my phone with BT all days long pummeled my phone battery. Having it connected through data does seem to help.
2. Call forwarding is always on. Why? Well, why not? With Verizon (I cannot speak to other carriers) call forwarding is not instant. When I get a call it will ring to my phone for about 15 seconds. If I don't want to answer it and have it go to my phone VM I will simply let it ring a few times and reject the call. Boom. Phone VM. If I'm not by my phone it will forward after about 15 sec and I can either answer or push to my watch VM.
Some of the other options settings:
1. WiFi off - I personally do not see the need to keep it on. Watch uses so little data does not seem worth the battery life.
2. Always on is off - I do not need my watch to show the time when I am not looking at it.
3. NFC off - Don't need it on.
4. Brightness set at 5.
5. Auto heart rate is off - Don't need it on all the time.
I can't think of any other settings.
Yesterday I spent 2 (830am to 1030am) hours with the BT on and call forwarding on. It went from 100% to 80% with moderate use. Once I turned BT off and kept it in remote mode with using the settings above I had 48% left when I went to bed (1030am to 1130pm). During this time I received notifications, installed/Uninstalled some apps. Messed with nike+ and shealth, change some watch faces, tested GPS with maps. I would say overall just moderate use.
This morning I put the watch on at 830am. It is now 1100 and I am at 93%. I think that's like 3% an hour. (Fuzzy math lol)
I hope this helps some of you out there. IMO, the battery is not the main issue with this watch. However, the lack of app support is but that us another discussion.
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