I have a Samsung Galaxy S III android phone. I was with Verizon and then I moved to Europe and now I am using a different type of SIM card. After moving here it stopped sending texts properly. It can receive them but it will fail when trying to send them.
I verified the SMSC number was correct and the SIM in a different phone sends and receives texts just fine.
As part of my troubleshooting process I did a factory reset. As soon as the phone turned back on after initiating the factory reset I was able to send a text to another phone properly...but soon after all the built-in apps started to download/update the problem returned. I have tried this a couple of times now and each time I can send texts properly until the phone starts to finally update all the apps that came with the phone such as the verizon apps and built in android apps. There is one of those apps that seems to be causing the issue.
Is there anyway to do a "factory reset" while avoiding some of the "factory installed apps"?
Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.
I verified the SMSC number was correct and the SIM in a different phone sends and receives texts just fine.
As part of my troubleshooting process I did a factory reset. As soon as the phone turned back on after initiating the factory reset I was able to send a text to another phone properly...but soon after all the built-in apps started to download/update the problem returned. I have tried this a couple of times now and each time I can send texts properly until the phone starts to finally update all the apps that came with the phone such as the verizon apps and built in android apps. There is one of those apps that seems to be causing the issue.
Is there anyway to do a "factory reset" while avoiding some of the "factory installed apps"?
Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.