T-Mobile Galaxy S8 Do you ever get used to android coming from iPhone ???


May 18, 2017
I have been a iPhone user since the first iPhone just purchased the new s8 plus simply because Iam kind of bored with the apple os and the iPhone 7 to me was a joke I was using 6plus and I had a choice to upgrade after paying off my iPhone...fast forward I chose the s8+ just got it in the mail very beautiful phone love the screen but Iam having a hard time adjusting there is just so much customization I just don't know we're to start lol it's mind boggling to the point I find myself constantly switching my sim into back into my 6plus..... does the transition get better I feel like someone left me in a foreign country with nothing but the clothes on my back....help!! Really don't want to send it back for the 7plus......
The best advise I can give you is use the G-board Google keyboard​, use Samsung browser not chrome it seems to be more fluid for me and watch a tips and tricks video for the S8+ you'll learn a lot. I've had my S8 for a week today coming from an iPhone 7 and like cheese and wine it gets better with age. You'll be a pro in no time
You'll get used to it. Then you'll hate using an iPhone. It's so difficult to get things done quickly on the iPhone. I have one and sometimes switch over to it. But it doesn't last long.
I would say that the first thing to do would be to use the phone a little longer without switching back to the iPhone. Honestly, you'll never get use to the change if you keep going back. At first it will probably seem like a lot because you are outside of your comfort zone. Try to work through it and give it some time.
I switched last fall from only using iphonrs to the note 7, kept it until January. Now I have that S8+.

My advice is go slow, you can use the phone just fine right out of the box, so no real customization is required. Only make small tweaks as needed to gain a specific ability.

Also as hard as it may be, try to commit to the S8, for like 6 weeks. I really enjoy the extra freedom that Android brings, but yes it takes time to fully realize the capabilities of the phone and the OS.
I switched last fall from only using iPhones to the note 7, kept it until January. Now I have that S8+.

My advice is go slow, you can use the phone just fine right out of the box, so no real customization is required. Only make small tweaks as needed to gain a specific ability.

Also as hard as it may be, try to commit to the S8, for like 6 weeks. I really enjoy the extra freedom that Android brings, but yes it takes time to fully realize the capabilities of the phone and the OS.
The only way to get used to it is to go in 100% . Put the iPhone into a drawer and never turn it on. It will be a little rough at first but use it for 3 months and i would guess that most people would be used to it.

Of course, it is possible that the s8 isn't for you, but you aren't really giving it a fair try unless you use it exclusively for three months.
Go to the Play Store and download different Launchers! You can change the entire look and feel of your device, Regards to the icons and desktop, and many other features that are offered through the popular launchers. There are just so many more different things you can-do with an android device, I recently switched to an iPhone 7 plus as my primary phone, until getting this beauty, the iPhone 7 plus is now in the drawer, turned off! And about to be for sale! Lol
My only issue at the moment is the volume control is there a way to adjust the volume onscreen it's kind of annoying having to grab the side of the phone to adjust the volume all the time only onscreen adjustment I see is for the brightness
My only issue at the moment is the volume control is there a way to adjust the volume onscreen it's kind of annoying having to grab the side of the phone to adjust the volume all the time only onscreen adjustment I see is for the brightness

This is something that it should be better for long time iPhone users coming to Galaxy or most Android devices, once you click any Volume button you will see on the screen the Ringtone volume, if you click on the top right it will bring all the sounds options of the phone and it will allow you to set different volume levels for different options, not just one for all like in iPhone.

I know it still requires you to press a Volume button to initiate the process but it will take you just a couple of taps after that to complete. As far as I know or remember, on the iPhone, besides the volume rocker the only other quick option to do this, you need to swipe up to get to the Control Panel then swipe left to get to the media control panel and then you can find the volume level bar and you can adjust.
I switched from iPhone 5 to the S5 and it took me about a week to get used to it and ever since then I vowed myself never to go back to Apple because their phones are just so ... boring. I love my S8+ and some of my coworkers have the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus, but honestly, the iPhone looks so aged compared to the S8+, the display on the S8+ alone will make the iPhone 7 Plus feel like a brick lol. There is a lot to learn about the Android software and I watched a lot of YouTube videos about the phone I have (from the S5, to the S7 Edge, and to my current S8+) and I have learned a lot. You will definitely get used to it and like someone said previously, going back to Apple will feel foreign lol
As someone who jumped from BlackBerry to Android a few years back, it is a bit of a shock to switch platforms. Don't worry! You'll get used to everything. It took me a few weeks to get comfortable.

If the customization side of things is weirding you out, just leave your customization as it is and change it up when you see fit. Fiddle with a few things every couple of days and see what works for you. The great thing about Android is that customization can be undone! Maybe change your wallpaper and lockscreen and call it a day until you're ready to try something else.

You made a really great choice with Samsung! If you have any questions at all, please feel free to ask us!
My mother and my sister both converted from iPhones to Android a little over year ago. My sister preferred Android from the start, but my mother struggled a bit, but now she would never go back to iPhone.

What I emphasized to her was what one of the posters above said: the customization is optional. It runs pretty well out of the box. The two things that confused her were: 1. multiple apps, e.g., GMail and Samsung Email, that do the same thing. (I advised her to start with using only Samsung stock apps initially). 2. Difference between home screen and app drawer and how to rearrange home screen. (I explained that home screen was place for most used apps, and app drawer for everything). Once she got past those, she was more comfortable with it.
You have to give it some time. The first couple of days you might be overwhelmed and confused and think 'F**k it i'll just go back to my iPhone'. I've done that. You have to go all in. Turn the iPhone off put it away somewhere out of sight and use the S8 for at least a full 2 weeks. By the end of the 2 weeks you will love it as you get more comfortable with it and learn new things about the phone and just android in general. Like someone else mentioned go on youtube and look at tips and tricks videos. Those help alot for people new to android.
My mother and my sister both converted from iPhones to Android a little over year ago. My sister preferred Android from the start, but my mother struggled a bit, but now she would never go back to iPhone.

What I emphasized to her was what one of the posters above said: the customization is optional. It runs pretty well out of the box. The two things that confused her were: 1. multiple apps, e.g., GMail and Samsung Email, that do the same thing. (I advised her to start with using only Samsung stock apps initially). 2. Difference between home screen and app drawer and how to rearrange home screen. (I explained that home screen was place for most used apps, and app drawer for everything). Once she got past those, she was more comfortable with it.

Exactly! I was overwhelmed with customization and launchers. You don't have to change everything (or anything) at any time. I like hanging out and changing one thing at a time, over a couple of weeks. Some stuff will suit you, don't fix what isn't broken!
I second what everyone here says though i'll admit i've been an android purist for years now and i barely ever change alot on my phones as i like to use them as they are (of course when i get bored and what not i put another launcher but not always) as some pointed out customization is optional and by default samsung offers themes icons and even wallpaper on their theme app it's not necessary to have a good time with it but it's there whenever you want a new look but yeah store the iphone somewhere don't turn it on and try the s8 for a while is the biggest thing you should do imo. Android is not just about customization even if it plays a huge part it's about the fact that it's an open os too so you can tweak everything and anything on it ( i love my emulators ahah)
Never had an IPhone, but I came from Blackberry to Android and it was a struggle. The first time I played with a phone that was an Android I was like "WTF is this mess?!", but after getting my own android phone and continuously using it, it became easier . I agree with everyone else on at least giving the 8 plus a few weeks without going back to the iPhone. I also agree about taking it slow with customizations. Get the basic functionality of Android first then worry about customization.
I have been a iPhone user since the first iPhone just purchased the new s8 plus simply because Iam kind of bored with the apple os and the iPhone 7 to me was a joke I was using 6plus and I had a choice to upgrade after paying off my iPhone...fast forward I chose the s8+ just got it in the mail very beautiful phone love the screen but Iam having a hard time adjusting there is just so much customization I just don't know we're to start lol it's mind boggling to the point I find myself constantly switching my sim into back into my 6plus..... does the transition get better I feel like someone left me in a foreign country with nothing but the clothes on my back....help!! Really don't want to send it back for the 7plus......

One thing that might help to ease the transition is to intially set your homescreen up similar to what you had on your iPhone. That way you don't have to hunt too hard for the apps that you use the most. Once you've gotten used to navigating the phone and the interface, then try some more customization either by moving apps around or using an entirely new launcher with entirely new options!

The biggest temptation to switch back to your iPhone is that it's easy and your used to it, but I think you'll really enjoy the custumability of Android. It never gets borin cuz you can always change it!

Also, don't ever use Samsung's keyboard. Gboard all the way. And the Google apps on Android that we all use anyway are pretty awesome. The native integration is very nice.
Many samsungs and currently s8+ and iPhone 6+.

Well, I like the simplicity from the iPhone for my work. And I like the many options and free apps from samsung devices, or android in general.
So yeah, with android you have to work more with your Phone, iPhone is much easier to use.

But take it 1 step at a time, and see it as a playing device. All the options and features should be fun.

As for the volume sliders, some apps have them in android, but it really depends on the app in question.
Btw with samsung you can change volume in videos by swiping up and down on the right side, do it on the left side and you change your brightness.
As for volume in general, games will direct you to media volume when you press volume button.
Again, it depends on the app and game.

In all fairness, opinions will always differ, but I find iPhone kinda dull. Not that much to customize, not as much free apps as for android. Different default keyboard etc etc.
Looks great, works great, but not that exiting.
Go to the Play Store and download different Launchers! You can change the entire look and feel of your device, Regards to the icons and desktop, and many other features that are offered through the popular launchers. There are just so many more different things you can-do with an android device, I recently switched to an iPhone 7 plus as my primary phone, until getting this beauty, the iPhone 7 plus is now in the drawer, turned off! And about to be for sale! Lol

The dude is clearly overwhelmed with customization options and you're recommending that he download additional launchers? LOL

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