Do you think the Tab S would be a good fit for me, based on my needs?


Active member
Feb 24, 2013
My old hand me down Macbook pro is starting to malfunction, (bluetooth keyboard isn't working properly,) and its just getting old in general. I find myself using my nexus 7 and phone (HTC) more than the computer anyway, which i leave by my TV and have hooked up with an HDMI cable. I never actually sit at the computer itself. I was happy with the Mac as a hand me down, but i'm not going out to buy a new one, and since my Nexus 7 (2012) is fairly outdated and under performing, i figured i'd update to a new, larger tablet.

I use everything from my sofa, where i also have the Bluetooth keyboard and mouse set up, (to control my computer that's on my tv.) If i got chromecast, along with the Tab S, do you think i would more or less be able to replace my computer, assuming all i use it for is web browsing, email and netflix? The only stuff i can think of needing to go to my macbook for are to download torrents, (and i also have a work pc i can do that on in my office.) I dont have much experience with chrome cast, so that's where my main question is. If i'm going to do something like post on a forum, i like to be able to put it up on the big screen, and sit at a keyboard and mouse, whereas just for googling or random browsing i'd use it as a regular tablet.

What do you guys think?

edit: not that if i needed a keyboard and mouse i couldn't just set up the tablet on a stand and do it on the tablet screen; there's just something about having it on my 40" tv.
The Samsung Tab S isn't on the list of devices that will mirror to Chromecast (yet) - Chromecast mirroring - the Nexus 10 is. Other than that, you have less storage, less RAM and less CPU power on a tab than you have on a Macbook, so it depends on how much you're going to store, how much you're going to be multitaasking and how much computing power you need.
That's the thing, i barely multitask, unless i'm at work. I'm computer savvy, but i'm not really a huge techie as far as needing computer power. All my gaming is done from my PS3, so that's not an issue. I really just read articles online, pay my utility / cable / phone bills, check my bank account, my investment account, Email, send and receive photos, Reddit. I already use my M8 as a remote control for the TV, so i dont really need another IR blaster.

Do you think chromecast will eventually support it, Or is there another tablet i should be looking at? (I'm gonna stop by best by and play with stuff soon, see how it feels in my hands.)

Edit: Should i be using the chromecast support as a shopping guide for what options to consider, or is it overall not as functional as it sounds, or worth it vs just setting up the tablet on a kickstand and using it in front of me?

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