Does Android's data usage "meter" differentiate between wifi and radio data?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2009
Now that I'm on TMobile's $30/month deal and there's a limit (5gb) of non-throttled data, I want to know when I get near that level. But it looks like the Android Data Usage in settings doesn't differentiate between data you download on wifi and data you do over cell radios. Is this right?
AFAIK the data usage tab only shows mobile data, i.e. carrier bandwidth usage, not WiFi.

So you should be good to set your limits. I set my sons to shut off at 800mb even though he is on a 1gb plan.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Android Central Forums
Yes, it does differentiate. by default you wont see wifi data usage you have to check a box in settings to see wifi usage.

then you will see both in 2 tabs
AFAIK the data usage tab only shows mobile data, i.e. carrier bandwidth usage, not WiFi.

So you should be good to set your limits. I set my sons to shut off at 800mb even though he is on a 1gb plan.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Android Central Forums

I've heard this before but I wasn't sure since it also works on the Nexus 7 despite it being only wifi.
Yeah, what he said. I've noticed that i have had like 11 GB of data even though it's all wifi.
my data usage will show about 4.2 to 4.4gb when tmobile sends me a text saying I've gone over my allotted 5gb limit.

not sure why that is, but it's strange
my data usage will show about 4.2 to 4.4gb when tmobile sends me a text saying I've gone over my allotted 5gb limit.

not sure why that is, but it's strange

Because the Android Data Usage, IIRC, shows the data that was sent/received by your phone's radios. Any data requested by your phone that was sent by TMobile but never reached your phone still counts against your actual usage.

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