Don't Do It


Mar 23, 2012
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I was recently able to update to 4.0 (ICS) on my n7000.

It ruined my phone.

Apps constantly force close and/or tweak out (maps included), most of my apps look less optimized for my phone.

GOSMS stopped being able to update and display facebook photos next to the contact in my sms conversations.

Battery life is considerably worse.

The status bar brightness swipe doesn't work anymore.

Settings is permanently in the pull down menu. (just an annoyance)

I'm not sure how many of you use TouchWiz, I use GoLauncher, so as far as that interaction, there's really no difference.

power and home don't take screenshots anymore, neither does the volume button and power.

s-pen snapshots take forever now, I have to do it at least twice and hold it now instead of it being instant.

AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, my home button doesn't work all the time... most of the time, when I am in an app, i have to hit the home button at least twice for it to actually exit the app.

I'm not a root guy, but I'm actively seeking out how to do it just so I can revert back to Gingerbread. Updating was a HUGE mistake, and coming from iPhone, updates always improved the phone. Upgrading to 4.0 has actually made me consider switching back to the new iphone in a few months and just jailbreaking.


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Feb 11, 2012
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Did the update 2 days ago. I did a complete wipe and reinstall for everything(restored some data with Titanium). It works fine :)


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Mar 1, 2010
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ICS changed the way screen shots are taken. It's now power + down held *together* til the shot takes.

Can't speak on any of your other issues since I don't have the Note.

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May 22, 2012
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I updated. Everything is perfect. Even home button. As for your battery issues, you need to recalibrate it. You can do this by charging the battery to 100%, switching off the phone, then pulling out the battery and reinsert it. Your battery will be recalibrate and you will enjoy 12hrs of battery life like I do.

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Android Central Forums


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Jun 4, 2010
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It's been fine for me too. I updated right after I got my Note so I don't know if the brightness swipe was taken away or if the Note just never had it like my SII did. I do miss that.

No issues with home button.


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Jun 30, 2012
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After i upgated to ICS the apps i downlodes from appanet nt worked. And also applanet not worked

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Android Central Forums


Mar 1, 2012
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Dont download pirated apps, support the android community & the developers that make android what it is. When you purchase an app from the play store be proud that you are a part of the growth of android. - kid android


Aug 19, 2010
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I'm running the Paranoid rom built on CM9 and it has been great and very dependable. Sure some of the TW functions are missing but it works great for me.


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Jul 31, 2012
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I have the Galaxy Note N7000 and have just recently, a few weeks, upgraded to ICS 4.04 from 4.03 using Kies. The OTA update was offered but I chose Kies because you seem to get a better installation. I have had NONE of the problems mentioned in the first post and did not have them on 4.03 either. The screenshot using home and power keys still works as does the s-pen method.

I would suggest you do a full factory reset through settings and even go as far as Odin flashing the firmware again. Before using the Odin method you should wipe all caches and data and factory reset using the recovery menu. It is easy to find the relevant firmware for Odin flashing on and you should take note of the advice on and Backup your current firmware (despite the problems) and if possible backup your apps and data using Titanium Backup (root required but it is easy to do via your sdcard) using the recovery menu. Do not use Odin for flashing CWM and root for CWM files. You will also need to download Abyss Kernel 4.2 to your sdcard for safety during any process in ICS involving wipes. I don't think the US versions have the brickbug problem but as you have an N7000 it may have the problem and you have to be extremely careful. Download eMMC check app from the Play Store to check if you have the bug. The app is also handy to check through the internal storage to see that all is ok (takes a bit of time).

Firstly though, just go to recovery and wipe caches, reboot, shutdown, remove the battery for at least a minute, put the battery back and boot fully to check everything again. This may solve all your problems but if it doesn't please refer to the sites above and flash your firmware again.

I, like most people, suffered terrible battery performance on ICS but following advice on the above sites I am getting pretty good battery life now. The most important things are to turn off your data and/or wifi radios when not needed, reduce screen brightness to the lowest level you are comfortable with, use a dark wallpaper, and turn off sounds for touch and lock screen. Other suggestions are to disable screen rotation and to turn off auto synching. I do not do the latter as I am only really synching gmail but it is advisable if you are a real social butterfly and run lots of apps requiring synching such as Twitter, Facebook, Email, etc. You will then need to manually sync whenever you want to.I almost forgot about live wallpapers - do not use them. You can also turn off the windows transitions and animations to give a smoother interface and save a little battery.

I repeat that my Note is running very well and, except for the initial battery performance, I am very happy using ICS (4.03 and now 4.04). Calibrating the battery is important and you should never recharge the battery until it drops to 5% or lower but not zero and never recharge overnight (will shorten the battery life and can reduce performance if charged for too long) or from your pc usb - only use the proper ac charger. They do say to not use the device while it charges until it is 100% charged but this is normally only relevant when calibrating.

Hope this helps and you get your Note working properly and make sure you follow the advice of the experts on xda-developers.

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