Don't panic !


Well-known member
Dec 25, 2013
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This may already have been covered, but: - -

Could experienced Moderators and Ambassadors write a piece about possible or probable initial large Android OS use and battery drain in the day after updating. This is accepted by more experienced people than myself as a normal settling in period. This way we can refer any new posts on this to an article or link.
There have been many such queries in most forums.
This time is now approaching, or has just passed, the peak for KitKat availability.
One can also offer extra non-drastic advice for a user that so chooses - rebooting with a battery, sim and sd card pull, and recovery cache clearance. SD card copy and re-format for heavier issues.

This way posters can help with other real longer term issues people have been unlucky enough to experience.

And could the recommendation to root a stock users phone be discouraged unless there seems to be no other option in a particular case, and then with a reference to a hold your hand guide and a direct line/master thread for extra individual help when they get unstuck.

I write this from a high perch of self-absorbed smugness as my 2 week update went very well. I did sod all! Surely later firmwares are better.

Via my Note 3 on AC.
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Well-known member
Dec 25, 2013
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Thanks. Maybe unnecessary, or you may have a simpler idea. I know Jerry Hildenbrand wrote a good balanced article about the SD card issue on KitKat.
Whatever you guys think is cool with me.
The 'panic' may settle down by itself. Cheers.
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