Droid 2.1 question?!

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Yeah, I agree. It seems to me that Live Wallpaper, while uber-cool, doesn't really add anything useful to the device itself. It sounds like the Droid version of 2.1 will focus on the useful over the cosmetic, and I'll take that any day.

Now I'm just waiting for it to magically appear....I suppose, hardware geek that I am, that I will be checking my Droid every few minutes for the rest of the week.

I haven't been this bad since I waited for my Captain Midnight mug to arrive from Ovaltine back in 1954. The SOB never did come, either.....

dude u got ripped off! good thing it didn't leave a scar or anything...
It's been traumatic, I tell you. I never see an Ovaltine bottle without feeling a pang...
Sure wouldn't want that to happen every time I check the Droid "Here I Am" app to find out where I've gone.....

Where HAVE I gone, anyway?
Not sure if this was covered yet or not but will flash player be included in the 2.1 update coming this week?
i feel that i'm back in the airforce hurry up and wait
but i will say that moto is a damn better machine then that blackberry storm
Seems many phones are getting a 2.1 update in Q1. Sprint just said that the hero is getting it mid-march.

It will be interesting to see the many differences between all these phones and their builds of 2.1. We really never got to see that with 2.0 since the Droid is the only phone to have ran it (milestone).
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