Droid Bionic Early Upgrade


Android Addict
Aug 8, 2010
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I get all my phones from the same rep. He has helped me out before. Not sure if I'm going to try to upgrade to the Bionic right away. I've already been offered a early upgrade for the 4g modem and I've only had my netbook for a few months. If anything is offered just be thankful. There is nothing that says they have to let you upgrade early. Just be thankful if something is worked out.


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Aug 18, 2010
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Me as well. Technology moves too fast for two years especially with their new program.

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Not to mention there is no perks to buying a 2 year contract anymore. No $100 discount, now no $50 discount, no early upgrades. The extra $70 is totally worth it now for a 1-year. Especially when you can sell your phone after 1 year and make a pretty good profit. I imagine after 2 years it's worth about 1/2 that. Also insurance becomes less important to have while on a one year. I'm sure Verizon is going to do something sooner or later to make the 1 year plan crappier.


Apr 26, 2010
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Not to mention there is no perks to buying a 2 year contract anymore. No $100 discount, now no $50 discount, no early upgrades. The extra $70 is totally worth it now for a 1-year. Especially when you can sell your phone after 1 year and make a pretty good profit. I imagine after 2 years it's worth about 1/2 that. Also insurance becomes less important to have while on a one year. I'm sure Verizon is going to do something sooner or later to make the 1 year plan crappier.

Exactly. I wonder if enough people go to a one year contracts after all this they might just jack up the 1 year.


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Jul 10, 2010
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actually, long term customers such as myself present a bit of a conundrum for them--while they want our business, we get a "loyalty discount" that they would LOVE to see disappear. New customers enjoy fewer "perks" as it were, fattening their bottom line. I've tried trading on my longevity to get additional deals, to no avail. (and my bill is paid every month--LOL! to the OP)
Bottom line...it's totally possible. Just don't lose your cool. Just explain your desire to stick with Verizon ad your need for 4g (tell them you need video calls for work or something like that) If you get a no, just call again and get another rep. That's why you shouldn't flip out...if you do, that rep will note the **** out of your account and then no one will help you. If you're not too far out from your annual you may find an indirect dealer that will do a delayed upgrade for you...but choose wisely. End of the month is key...good luck.


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2010
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Bottom line...it's totally possible. Just don't lose your cool. Just explain your desire to stick with Verizon ad your need for 4g (tell them you need video calls for work or something like that) If you get a no, just call again and get another rep. That's why you shouldn't flip out...if you do, that rep will note the **** out of your account and then no one will help you. If you're not too far out from your annual you may find an indirect dealer that will do a delayed upgrade for you...but choose wisely. End of the month is key...good luck.

I'm eligible BEFORE the Bionic hits, so I'm golden. :)


Active member
Dec 10, 2010
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Wow this thread has really taken off! Thanks everyone for the great discussion and some really good tips and personal experience. I gave vzw a call just to put feelers out there for an early upgrade and from the sound of what was said to me it seems like I should be able to by the time the bionic releases. Like everyone mostly had said, its got to be with a one year contract however! Again, thanks all you've been great!

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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2011
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Yeah I doubt they will be doing any kind of early upgrade promotion. the only reason Verizon did that for the X ( which I also took advantage of) was because AT&T did it with the Iphone. With this phone being what it is, I doubt they will do anything to upgrade early.

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