Droid WiFi Problems


Well-known member
Dec 17, 2009
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So here's the problem:

I switched over from a Sprint Palm Pre about a month ago (shortly before x-mas) to the Droid. Love everything about it, hands down a better phone for me than the Pre. One problem, I can't get a reliable (strong, actually working) WiFi signal in places that I used to get one with my Pre, i.e. at my desk, literally next to my router (Apple Airport Express b/g/n).

With my Pre, I used to be able to roam my apartment and get a full strength WiFi signal, now, I don't get a signal if I leave the room, and even in the room, sometimes web pages and content wont load. I get a strong 3G signal in my room, I was just hoping to be able to use WiFi.

Also, I live on a college campus, so there is Wifi everywhere, and in classes/places where my Pre would pick it up, my Droid won't connect.

Could this be a compatabillity issue with my Router and Droid? I've tried resetting, everything is up to date, I don't see what could be wrong.

Cory Streater

Well-known member
Sep 21, 2009
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So here's the problem:

I switched over from a Sprint Palm Pre about a month ago (shortly before x-mas) to the Droid. Love everything about it, hands down a better phone for me than the Pre. One problem, I can't get a reliable (strong, actually working) WiFi signal in places that I used to get one with my Pre, i.e. at my desk, literally next to my router (Apple Airport Express b/g/n).

With my Pre, I used to be able to roam my apartment and get a full strength WiFi signal, now, I don't get a signal if I leave the room, and even in the room, sometimes web pages and content wont load. I get a strong 3G signal in my room, I was just hoping to be able to use WiFi.

Also, I live on a college campus, so there is Wifi everywhere, and in classes/places where my Pre would pick it up, my Droid won't connect.

Could this be a compatabillity issue with my Router and Droid? I've tried resetting, everything is up to date, I don't see what could be wrong.

As a test, can you force your AE to do B/G only and see if that helps?


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Jan 4, 2010
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I was basically having the same problem. I'd be literally right next to my router and have only one bar of Wifi. I also would not pick up Wifi easily, like my friends houses and such, it simply would not connect. My phone was deemed defective by the powers at be at Verizon. If you're within your 30 days I would definitely exchange the device for a new one.


Well-known member
Dec 17, 2009
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I don't have filtering on, and this happens with multiple routers. I guess ill take it in and get a replacement. That means I have to retransfer all my contacts and media...and settings. Darn


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Dec 17, 2009
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So I called Verizon tech support, and they told me to go into a store and get a replacement/troubleshoot. So I went to the store, and they called tech support and were told that I have to do a hard reset (erase everything, start new) and if that doesn't work then they'll give me a replacement.

Hopefully the hard reset does the trick. This is a lot of running around just to get proper functionality on a $300 phone. I switched over from a Sprint Pre, and I had to get 5 replacements (slider issues, screen, keyboard, power button, etc) and they always did it no questions asked. Sprint might not have as powerful a network but I sure do miss their CS.


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2009
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I have the same problem .. but I haven't been to connect to a network yet. My home had the SSID not broadcast and WEP. I read about problems with SSID not broadcast, so I changed that but still don't see it. I need to do some more testing but it really seems to be difficult to connect to networks. My son's iTouch connects easily .. lol


Well-known member
Nov 9, 2009
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try a replacement, really the only option. all your contacts can be backed up either to sdcard or by google's synch. similarly, your media is on your sdcard, just copy it to your computer first before taking in the phone. then whenyou get the new one, google synch will pull in your contacts and you just move the media back toyour sdcard


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Nov 25, 2009
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thats wierd, my droid gets a BEAST signal around my house. I have my router on the 3rd floor and i get a perfect signal on the 1st floor living room... garage... etc.. even if i walk a good ways from the house.


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Dec 25, 2009
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I also have wifi connection problems. At my house the phone will actually lock up on me if I turn on widow. Already tried the hard reboot. I've got a friend coming over later to day to see if his Droid locks up too. If it doesn't I'm taking it back.


Well-known member
Dec 17, 2009
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I did a hard reset on the phone and it seemed to do the trick, I can connect to networks just fine, although the signal still isn't as strong as it was on my Palm Pre, and it doesn't load pages as fast, but it does work reliably now.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2009
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My Droid will not find certain WiFi signals. No problems at home, but sometimes at work.
The connection problem occurs when moving from in signal range to out and back again.

When I cycle off the WiFi receiver, the operation locks up. The rest of the Droid works fine but it will not complete the turning off of the WiFi signal. The only way to reconnect is power the phone off and back on.

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