Easter egg


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Sep 17, 2011
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Remember how tapping the android version in about device on the galaxy s2 would bring up a gingerbread zombie drawing? On the s3 you get a little ICS 8-bit droid. If you do the screen capture swipe the icon will scale up while the screen capture animation passes by, then it shows a whole bunch of them flying around.

That's it for my useless contribution to the forum!

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Mar 14, 2012
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Yeah he's talking about this, I have a custom ICS ROM running on my Epic 4G Touch but the GS3's Android version image thing might be slightly different

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Trusted Member
Sep 17, 2011
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When doing a screen capture of that image the animation starts... It isn't worthy of a youtube video.

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Oct 7, 2009
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He's nyandroid, modeled after nyancat. Plenty of boot animations and LWP and such available in the market for those who love him :)

These also a much less cool thing in the calculator, at least on the stock one, where if you divide 0 by 0 the result is NaN or sometimes infinity or sometimes the infinity symbol (results depend on build IIRC)

EDIT - Those are easter eggs in googles official source but make sure you check your system dumps for possible OEM ones too. Theres at least 1 example of an OEM tossing in an egg for the mod community. I say they did it for the mod community because it's an MP3, that was tucked away 7 layer into the system, and not accessible as any sort of assignable audio. It couldnt be seen until a system dump occured for ROM development lol!! Now why a booty dance/asian boyband/michael jackson medley was chosen, we may never know.
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